Toxic behavior in competitive is still going on

apparently i was going against my group because i decided to go roadhog in competitive and so they decided to use toxic behavior and abusive insults as group to throw me off balance because they did not like my choice.

this blizzard, keeps happening as if it is nothing. every single time a person decides to try his own personal choice in the game these type of toxic hyenas keep reappearing as if they know everything better.

they gang you up with something they dont like. use toxic behavior. and then at end of the match they compliment eachother on the back going: WE CARRIED THAT ROADHOG HARD…

reporting doesnt help. this behavior is being overlooked so much at the moment that even i wonder why blizzard exists. was it about showing the love to the LGBTQ community? is it about gender equality around the workplace? or is it about teamwork and friendship that has brought gamers together?

actually none of them. its only about these toxic brats getting away with something they know is not right.

First. Yes, if you play Hog you will be. He’s a pretty terrible option right now.

Second. Play what you like, good or bad. Literally doesn’t matter, it’s a video game, have fun.

Third. It’s the internet, they have anonymity and that fuels their ego’s to say rubbish. You’ll never stop it, just don’t join voice and turn text chat off if it’s going to bother you.

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It’s an awkward one.

We all know that Hog is dogwater. HOWEVER-there’s always players out there who can still make him work, that much is evident. Anyone who says otherwise either doesn’t play the game or doesn’t watch OWL.

Either way, wether or not you got him to work, it does not excuse toxic abuse from some piece of subhuman trash. Sadly, in this game, there’s pieces of garbage everywhere. Don’t pick the hero they want? OmG BrUH WtF RePOrT FOr ThroWInG HNNNGGGGG. And you’ll get braindead morons backing the toxic scum as well, because they’re incapable of thinking for themselves because IQ is below room temp.

The OW playerbase is full of morons, they’re everywhere. When you make your pick, just take into account a) the map, b) your comp and c) if you can gauge how moronicly toxic your team is. If they’re toxic as hell just leave the game-they’re literal trash and not worth the pain. Just report them and do what you can to get them banned. There’s enough garbage in this game as it is-the more garbage that gets binned the better.

Well if you’re playing competitive and taking an objectively bad hero then not swapping, what do you actually expect?

First off let me say that i am not a new player and know exactly how to play roadhog right now. If you know how to hook and make 2 clean shots afterwards you can make a kill very easily.

Second we actually did won that game and just like them i put my heart and soul in that game just like everyone else would. I actually ended up with a good and decent stat score of 17 eliminations 8 deaths.

But just like i said: after the game ended they went on a toxic spree, abused me some more, and gave each other a pat on the back saying: We carried that roadhog hard!

in fact their toxic behavior was so extremely personal towards me to the extend of me asking myself: like why am i even in their team you know? it would made way more sense if they went 4vs5 or 4vs6 as they were having so many ego problems about abusing me and went on a rampage about reporting me for literally playing the game, about me being afk, about me being a bot. about me being carried.

If you want to rewatch this match however, you can: 200N41

know that i reported both support and 1 dd for toxic behavior.

Yeah i agree with you. When I said hi to my teammate in competitive. He told me to shut up bitch is what he said to me.

Don’t say hi then?
It’s a video game, not a social experiment

Report Report Report

Toxic behaviour is never acceptable in PVP. But there is a difference between toxic and discussion. It is wise to know the difference

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Usually any slur and unprompted hostility are reportable. The automatic system will pick out the slurs and cussing from the chat log when you report that, so those reports are quickly verified.

The rest takes more time to go through.

(This is my experience)

You’d like to think that was the case. It 100% should be

But look up SVB on twitter… Blizzard aren’t that interested.

They’d rather ban people like Chazm for playing Ball without shooting.

Good news, i received a message back from Blizzard ingame about the report being successful.

However, it makes me a little uncomfortable not knowing what their penalties may have been.

For example if they have done this many times or have they done this several times.

Like how good is our ban system? I wanna know this as i do not see any significant drop rate about toxicity.

I think it depends on the infraction and how many times it’s happened.

This is pure conjecture, but i would think that abusive chat infractions would at least start with short silencings. I’d like to think that sfter several infractions they would escalate to short bannings but it’s unlikely.

I’m pretty certain that gameplay sabotage and the like has to do with short bans at least.

I don’t know the severity or the scale of the punishments, but this is something that i’d like it to be like.

You’ll never see a drop.

You’re playing videos games on the internet. People are essentially anonymous, so think they can say and do as they please.

As for their ban system. On paper it’s excellent. In reality, as SVB has shown. They don’t really care that much.

skill issue, flame them back what you cant handle banter?

it doesnt suprise how one defends toxic behavior at this moment: ‘‘gotta have a safe haven for degenerates some how eh?’’

the fact that you use toxic banter to make a team member almost commit suicide is not normal behavior. please, do me a favor and see a doctor. verbal abuse is still verbal abuse.
doing this with 3/4 member in a team just so you can feel a little bit better about losing as a group is really disturbing. please seek help.

blizzard shouldnt support you guys. but we will treat the silence treatment as a confirmation that they rather support your toxic behavior.

i will not though. probably the reason why i keep playing this game. because i am sick and tired of toxic degenerates that feel the need to verbal abuse people to their deaths.

Where have they been silent on this behaviour?

They’ve written articles about it, people like Wolf got suspended for many days for it.

They aren’t silent. They just act.

I guess it than must have been a “shock” to you knowing how little difference that made when the process of toxic behavior has still not diminished. Especially in competitive.

You are on the internet, and peoples have anonymity.

You really think anything or anyone can actually stop unintelligent people being toxic. Or groups of friends showing off.

No, you’ll never stop, you’ll probably never reduce it and there’s nothing they can do. That’s why we have the options to hide, mute, block and report if needed.

See. Exactly my point on these articles you mentioned.

And yet when taking “real” charge about toxicity as a whole it is still possible.

All you have to do is to remove the possibilities of smurfing and alt accounts and viola. They are restricted for life.

Smurfing is reportable under cheating.

Alt accounts are perfectly fine.

Being either doesn’t cause toxicity. A single account player can be toxic. So “stopping” them wouldn’t stop toxicity.

Wanting to stop it is the right thing, but we have all the tools for us as players to deal with it. Devs can’t do jack sadly.