Transfer progression

With the upcoming release of overwatch 2 and the numerous amount of platforms we will be able to play it on, will we be able to transfer cosmetics and/or player level?

It seems so, at least if you play on the same system. I would personally like a full reset to the SR ranks, though.

Yep, you get to keep all your skins, player icons, sprays emotes and more! This was mentioned during the reveal itself, but also confirmed on the information shown here.

Which unlock are you most proud of, and can’t wait to use and show off in Overwatch 2?

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Im not proud of any unlock they are all tat designed to fill a skinner box predatory loot box system in order to maximise how much money blizzard can vaccume out of nieve peoples wallets

As for overwatch 2 thats a product i wont be buying along with never ever ever providing blizzard with any further income untill they take their tongue out of china’s colon

#FreeHongKong #boycottblizzard

Im very proud of my Mei’s golden weapon and Lucio’s league emote. very excited for overwatch 2!!

What I wonder is how they are going to change the look of all the different skins, since they surely are updated too I guess?

Could you maybe give some information about that?

Not sure “proud” is the right word…perhaps more “happy”…anyway, Widow Noire has to be my choice. The only skin that has not been made available in any other way besides its original Overwatch pre-order bonus skin.

So far at least.

But what if we have OW 1 on multiple platforms? Will all of our cosmetics transfer over to OW 2? Will i have all of my console and PC cosmetics if i purchase the game on PC?

“#boycottblizzard” yet here you are, posting on the forums and driving more traffic to them.

Good job


I am gonna assume levels to since you mentioned and more.

Mhmm on their forums voicing my displeasure at their business practice using their server space interacting with their customers and sharing information with them

And not paying a single penny to them whilst im doing it

Fyi if you have C4ncer you dont ignore it… you fight it… sometimes its a losing battle… sometimes not but if you dont try you lose anyway

hey. Hey. HEY!
Nobody cares. Quit complaining about something that doesn’t matter anymore.

well, I would say it still matters… considering human beings are being treated horrifically at the hands of a dictatorial communist state which isn’t content with lording over its own population but also wants to control what you and I can say or think or access…

but that’s just me… if you’re comfortable supporting communist china and their evil then go right ahead

Go to China an complain there, we don’t care about your complaining since THERE’S NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT!

im perfectly fine with china being china, IN CHINA!,

what im not perfectly fine with is china trying to be china in the rest of the world… and as I live in the rest of the world, I.E not china, they are stomping on my testicles, on my doorstep, and hence I will make as much of a song and dance about it as I can, ON MY DOORSTEP!.. DUH!!!

#BoycottBlizzard?.. DUH!


(Body seems unclear)

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you have c4ncer and are going to have chemotherapy?.. pfft… that wont solve anything, you’re better off just ignoring the problem and it will go away <— your logic

at any rate, you do as you wish, but fortunately i still have my freedom of speech and freedom of enterprise, and i shall use it to raise awareness of such shady business practices from companys such as blizzard and there is nothing you can do to stop me :slight_smile: GG WP GL next time

So you see that China are doing things that they definitely shouldn’t be doing, let’s stop buying a game company’s video games that has nothing to do with it, That’ll make China back down! ← your logic

You can have your free speech, just don’t say it to people on a Blizzard forum cause it won’t work. Nothing you do will help HK, it’s up to them unfortunately.

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no, my logic is, I don’t want china having influence over things outside of china, so not buying products from companies who bend over backwards to accommodate china hurts their bottom line, and either those companies go bust, or stop having influence from china

free speech is free, anywhere and everywhere where there is free speech including the internet which includes this forum

so I will continue to have my free speech here, and again there is nothing you can do about it :slight_smile: GGWP GL next time

As I said, you can have your free speech, it just won’t influence anyone if that’s what you’re thinking. And China aren’t influencing anyone outside of China. I don’t know where you got that from