Transferring from Xbox One S to Xbox X

Hi, might just be being silly but would appreciate a response to my qs, as Support hasn’t answered it :slight_smile:
I’m looking for information about if it is possible to transfer my Xbox S Overwatch account to my new Xbox X console if the consoles themselves are linked to different email. Like, would this matter at all? Or would I just be able to log in with my account to Overwatch on my new console and continue where I left off, even if the consoles are different and the user profile is different (i.e. I would be using a different email for my Xbox X).
Thank you!

Yes… well it doesn’t transfer.

Just install the game and log in.

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Ah, thanks! Just to clarify, do you know if I need to disconnect the previous Xbox on my account & connect it to the new one or would that be fine without doing that? I saw online that the cooldown period is like, a year or something, so that’s what I’m wanting to avoid!

Shouldn’t need to as it will be your Microsoft account, not the xbox that is connected, but not 100% on that one.

When you set up your X, you will get the option to connect your 2 consoles and transfer everything across, if you do that, you shouldn’t need to do anything with OW

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Thank you. I really appreciate your input! :slight_smile:

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