Typing ggez in chat is replaced with one of the following

I did not know. But it is fun actually. Maybe because i never typed ggez before.

Randomly found this thing, because googled one of these lines.

When typing “gg ez” into the Match chat channel, it will be replaced with one of the following phrases:

  • Great game, everyone!
  • It was an honor to play with you all. Thank you.
  • Wishing you all the best.
  • Good game! Best of luck to you all!
  • Gee whiz! That was fun. Good playing!
  • Well played. I salute you all.
  • I’m wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me.
  • Ah shucks… you guys are the best!
  • It’s past my bedtime. Please don’t tell my mommy.
  • I could really use a hug right now.
  • I feel very, very small… please hold me…
  • I’m trying to be a nicer person. It’s hard, but I am trying, guys.
  • C’mon, Mom! One more game before you tuck me in. Oops mistell.
  • Mommy says people my age shouldn’t suck their thumbs.
  • For glory and honor! Huzzah comrades!

That’'s all.

Blizzard could add more lines to change for e.g. X diff, ez, etc.

They added this in like 2016. It’s quite an old feature now.

Guys how can I do post like this??

you type in chat (not team chat) ggez , not sure but it only working on PC, no consoles.

It works at console ( I do it at console and working)


Yeah it’s been. A thing since August 2016. Strange some are only noticing it now, especially as they seem to see a lot of things in their games.

I once triggered one of those auto texts when the Enemy Rein talked me into playing Rein in Ranked and we lost but it was kinda fun though

Not really. This player could be new-ish to OW.

They could be. But it’s Mistikas. They have a YouTube channel with plenty of OW clips on.

still i see just ez, ezzzz, - so it’s not replacing those ones, only gg ez huh

Only for ggez, will try “ezpz”

But yeah, would be great if blizzard would censor ez , diff and such as well.

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