Unrewarding new rank system

I’ve been consistently high masters/low gm the past 10 seasons. I placed a whole rank lower than usual, and that was expected due to rank reset. However, the climb back up has been the most unrewarding competitive experience I’ve had since season 1. It’s so bad I’m posting in the forums for the first time! I’m not sure if my account was cursed this season or something, but even with 50% winrate, I am at a substantial rank net loss. If the mmr system thinks I should be even lower, why not just place me lower from the start? Why make every single game feel unrewarding? I’ll get +20% regardless of performance or uphill battle, but losses will be -21-23%, even with “consolation”.

Has anyone else felt like the percentages up/down are just… fake? Like I get blizz wanted us to grindddd this season so queue times are lower but Top 500 is literally masters so… you can’t climb unless you’re a literal OWL player and win 25+ games in a row.


My experience was poor, 4 of the placements I had leavers. How is that even fair placements?

The leaver issue continued into the competitive season also. The game looks to be stable at the moment as I haven’t had a leaver for a while.

Either way, they have ruined what used to be OW.


Think about It.
Latly all the Gm’s was Just a small population of 10 account’s of yazsna or other streamers.
masters and Diamond has Lost it’s meaning.

Any time a skilled player going down on ranks makes the game expirience of others very unbalanced.
same when somwebody Is getting boosted.
Multiple this on diffrent Heroes and Comp performance or even Maps.
There are too much variables to be trying to balance ingame.
When other games have same possibilities as players, in OW the Heroes are very diffrent and played on diffrent Maps.

without a team or comunication = winning Is harder.
It easier to lose a game due to the mistakes, throws, otp disconnetcs.

Just playing as stack you eliminate a lot of variables that eventually you Will be able to work on.

Visual rank has been reset, but MMR not.
i still play with/against GM Masters last season and we are diamond 4 this season.
if you get Diffed on same role ( master tank vs plat tank, GM widow vs diamond dps, master lvl bap/kiriko vs healbot Mercy)
it’s tough.

Numbers can’t express your skill on diffrent Heroes After all…

  • add this bs when you have worst team Comp and you are favored.

with 50% you should stay same rank, but +19 -23 +20 -21.
in 40 games you lose 1 for free xD

GM was only 10 accounts.

Are you referring to when YZSNA got 10 accounts into the top 10?

there are less players than accounts in top 500 and Gms.

Yes. But that is the same for every rank. You only need 1 person to create an alt account for that to be the case. Not sure that is relevant to anything.

Yeh and blizzard think they have 100mil player more like 30mil main accounts 70mil alt accounts

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Yeah. They have hit about 100m players. But that is a PR spin. That is just unique accounts that have played. Active accounts is usually in the last month, and that is about 23-25m atm. Somewhere around 7-10m active players.

TBH … getting additional 2% for a Match you were not favoured is … “bad word here”

OW1 Ranked included your “performance” in Lost and Won Matches … that could result in “translated” +40 and just -15 (15 was the base line) depending on Match outcome …
Looks like you get +/- 20% now for a win/loss by default … and your performance is only taken into account when you are in “calibration” but not in “normal” Matches.

GL & HF Gamerz !

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It did but they removed that about 6 years ago… Like season 8 of overwatch 1 for diamond and above. Then removed it for everyone else in about 2020.

True that is, i was never Diamond tho.
But with the “MMR Reset” that happened it maybe would be a idea to revive this for a period of time to cleanup the Ranks and get everyone where they belong faster, improving Match Quality overall.
Just a idea.

GL & HF !

Only ranks were reset. MMR was never reset. Just tweaked slightly. Which mostly impacted they highest ranked players. (Hence why you’re seeing some gm+ players in masters at the start of the season).

But for the majority of players it wouldn’t have done anything for them.

I can only speak on my experiences, and bar the odd few games here and there. Season 9 has been a pretty good step forward for match quality.

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Valid points !
i had a Error in my previous post regarding mmr … but you cant say SR anymore :wink:
Like i said i never hit higher then metal ranks, so for me as “Weekend only Scrub” since OW1 Release its more like a fun game where i am a middle of the road average player.

I think ow should be enjoyable in all ranks, therefore my before mentioned idea with the performance being taken into account.

S9 is currently almost my worst of all time (since S4 OW1 when i started going Comp) … but thats also just a “me experience” … (due the times i play the Matches are very random in regards of Matchmaking, and i am very aware of that)
But currently i am very slowly getting back to “before S9” rank …
Weird enough is that my overall Character stats are on a career high tho :wink:

Sorry for the rambing !
GL & HF Gamerz !

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Lol I don’t know how many games I’ve had where we’re getting stomped for 90% of the match and somehow still end up winning. Then I get the text “expected” and gain 18%. Like come on I lost 20% on the last game but now when the match is super hard it’s expected??? There’s just no way the mm is fair.


Yeah it’s annoying. But the tags after the game have zero to do with what happens in the match. But, those games when you turn it around from near defeat are so satisfying.

This exactly i won a game but it gave me -2% on this

I had this yesterday…

this season i calibrated to diamond 3 on support and plat 1 on dps and tank.
progressivly games became worse and i start losing also winnable games, gettting rolled by 4 stack and lost so many games i never did in any season.

patch is new and that’s ok but i think some casual players returned back to ranked and got rolled. Open Q players also got rolled since they are playing game as brawl 5stack of 2 tanks and overhaling comps.
This patch if u are not using walls, you are pretty much dead.

that’s said there are also many new accounts smurfing 0to gm up for selling
masters to gm accounts that have been dropped lower and now wrecking havoc in lower lobbies. ( exactly how i am doing now in plat3)

And over all the lobbies are always like gold5-dimond5 pla3 diamond3
The range is huge

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This ranked matchmaking system is a joke. Why when I am solo queueing am I getting into lobbies (as a diamond 4 player) with gold players how is this competitive. And this stupid reversal and uphill battle stuff aswell. I could win six games of support in a row and get expected whilst losing 2 games of support being reversal because my doomfist went 1-12 into orisa,mcree,sombra and ana. I would not be bothered about an extra minute of queue time to get out of gold games and maybe rethink the whole reversal uphill battle expected stuff when it clealry does not show as rolling would be expected and every loss being a reversal.


Last time I checked you needed a higher win rate than that for masters. 50% is what you have around Gold or Plat maybe even low Daimond. Maybe thats the problem tbh. Also they even said they are making ranked changes that wil be implemented later today. So fingers crossed.

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