Wall bounces for custom Lucioball

I am at the final stages of completing a Lucio ball gamemode which uses a Lucio AI with an effect as the ball. The map has 6 walls around it which are also effects and I am trying to get the ball to bounce properly off the walls.

Currently I have set it up so when someone touches the wall an impulse is applied but I need to set up a direction system to decide which way the ball should impulse off. I have tried it where I am comparing the distance between the 2 spawn points and which ever is closest the impulse goes in that direction but when the ball is in the middle it doesn’t know which way to go

All I need to do is set it up so when the ball hits the wall It bounces off in the correct direction and I also need to stop the lucio from wallriding constantly when he hits the wall

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U can disallow the wall ride button for lucio and i think u can find the answer in the phara torb basketball mode by Darwin