Warning about Live Weaver

This character will break matchmaking even more:
Now if you’re say masters and have a platinum live weaver in your team, chances are he’s going to destroy plays you are about to make because his judgement won’t match your abilities. Only way around it is probably to tell him in advance “don’t use pull on me”.

How would you have a plat player in masters? There’s a whole diamond division in between there and the skill difference between the two of those is huge.

Who’s live weaver?

As for the rest… If you play solo queue, this can literally happen with anyone on any hero. Not going to worry about it.

matchmaker can easily do it these days

It can’t. It matches on MMR, so their actual skill levels will be in the same ball park. The visible rank meant nothing.

Till this season, if they’ve got it working right.

Is there something you wount cry about?

Is your time so worthless that you need to spam forum threads like that?

Are they wrong though?