We need to seriously report smurfs when we see them

I mean ow is a mash-up of game types, right? Little bit of fps, little bit of moba, little bit of everything. So it’s not like if you have good aim you are good, you need gamesence and stuff. So if a genji is focusing my innocent Buddhist monk ass so i cant build my trance the whole game, and he is a 27 lvl in gold then that’s a hint.

A gold Genji focusing on you so you can’t transcendence is a sign of a smurf???


Yeah i didnt say that only wtf, you took the part that you could argue on and said that wtf.

I also said 27 level. Does a genuine 27 level player know about target priority? Didnt think so. And you see it from the kill cam, from how he behaves. Except if you are a 27 level yourself and dont know sh*t about the game yet.

I didn’t mean to twist your words or anything, it’s just that part was the most wtf part for me. I would never report a low level player just because they were hard focusing me. What if they are an experienced gamer, watched a couple Genji guides and realized, target priority is something they should be doing? And next thing you know, bam they’ve been reported for smurfing.

I just mean it’s not enough to warrant a report (from me anyway). I would have to see a player clearly better than the rest and very low ranked to report them for smurfing, like if they’re basically carrying their team and their rank doesn’t make sense.

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I said it’s a hint

Other stuff are of course his mechanical skills e.g. his aim.
Whether or not he uses combos
And also how he behaves before jumping you.

E.g. if he melees/ for no reason then that’s another HINT.

And always you can watch the replay viewer right? I was in a match with an 8 lvl genji the other day and at some point i saw him turn his head around and looking down when he got halted. That’s a big hint.

A lvl 8 genji. Theres no reason to report someone with a smurf account. Do you report people such as kabaji or kragie on their smurf accounts? Probably no.

I dont want to retract from your main point but…

im incredibly curious why you think this game has MOBA elements, its a term i see thrown around and it makes me think people dont understand what a moba actually is. Maybe im wrong, can you explain?

The reason i ask is because mobas have item shops, NPC’s, towers, ancients, Roshan, power-ups in the form of runes, last hitting, an economy. your hero evolves as you play the match. items like aghanim’s completly change the way you play. i could go on and on.

Overwatch is just about as many MOBA features as Runescape has Minecraft features… you can craft and mine in both games.

It’s not a big deal, its like people saying Clip instead of Magazine. it just annoys me (probably more than it should)

I am reporting them for cheating :smiley:

Nobody (including Blizzard and God) can prevent players who don’t care, from sharing accounts or using second and third accounts to play outside their true skill rank. They either discipline themselves or not.

And, together with the individual day’s forms of the 12 different players coming together in every match, mixed with 12 different understandings of tactics and team play or moods and match history, I find the one or two occasional smurfs don’t make much difference concerning my over all 50/50 w/l rate.

Thus, I see (and accept) smurfs and their likes as part of the game.

Yeah tbh i haven’t like… searched it or something:grin: but i know that LOL is moba and that it has different heroes with different kits. OW is a mix of fps and moba because its not straight up only guns, kill to win game. You dont get to make a class but pick a kit with a class so to say. It has the 3 basic types of fps hitscan (rapid fire, single shot(sniper) and 3-round burst) but it has more stuff that that as primary fire. Such as… hands. F*cking life sucking cruela looking hands and piss machines that make people feel better after getting shot in the head by a revolver. It also has the cosmetics that kinda add some more moba.

You have to be trolling

Huh? How? Why would i?

Lad, its been a good months since the last post and i got in to plat as Junk rat. Spotting Smurfs in plat is way harder because they don’t really exist, at least i think so. Reporting them does something, It is not like Team Fortress 2 (love that game, played it since 2009) where if you report someone, it takes weeks for that person to probably get banned or suspended. I dont main sym or torb. I also play soldier 76 if there is a pharah that my team are struggling with. Obviously, if a diamond player would’ve joined my game as a plat, i would be fuc*ed because I am not supposed to be in Diamond. Back when i made this post, I was still in gold and struggling to get out and hopefully find a streak of good players to get me out gold.

I 100% agree report them and report ANYONE who says they’re either smurfing or boosting an account. However, there’s a huge difference between a player who is just better or having an odd excellent game to someone who is a real smurf. Everyone has an odd game where they play brilliantly then suck again a while later.

Odd amazing game:

  • They’re not hitting every shot but a high portion of them.
  • They are dying in the match
  • They make a number of mistakes
  • They are flaming the team

Actual Smurf:

  • Pulling off very high level moves flawlessly.
  • Usually playing a very high skill hero e.g. Genji which your team are finding it almost impossible to counter.
  • A low level account playing like someone with a lot of experience.
  • If they’re on an aiming hero, the aim may appear like an aimbot or e.g. widow doing high level trick shots at a low rank.
  • The player is absolutely destroying you, not just better, but destroying you so you feel helpless.
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Yeah i would. If i ever saw a suspicion of a smurf, for example. They play Mcree, and they are really good at mcree, diamond level, then I would report them if they had a very low level and really good stats. It is just bloody obvious when you see smurfs. Plus, it f*cks up everyone’s Rank mmr. Doesnt matter who the smurf is, Reporting them is important.

eh, if it fits the definition of xy it can be called xy, simple as that. and it does fit the definition. none of the things you listed are really needed in a MOBA.

it doesnt work - im pretty sure if the report contains the word smurf or alt the system deposits 10 cents into Jeffs account and mails him a case of champagne at the end of the week (not per report, otherwise he might look a little less suicidal in all of his updates).

seriously though - you have to game the system - say the offending player supports hong kong - and spammed it in chat - or said the naughty n word. who knows if they read it anyway.

This is poor advice.

Reports are volume based before triggering someone to look at them.

So just report, and if others do, they will get looked at.

And then they will realise the player is just winning matches and the complainer won’t have to play against them again so what’s the big issue.