What games do not have a leaver penalty?

I was extremely disappointed to find out that after leaving a game twice in 24 hours I am already taking a penalty. I am playing QP and Mystery heroes only. No ranked, fully casual so that I can actually have a chance at playing the game while also being a mom of a toddler.

Do you actually think I am leaving games for fun? Or to be difficult to others? When I play something like QP or Mystery heroes I don’t expect the games to be these perfect progressive games. If others leave a game, okay, it’s just part of it. From my experience the win/loss rates are around 50/50 either way. Or maybe that’s just me. I started playing 4 years ago.

Leaver penalties should not be a thing unless you are doing excessive amounts of it in these unranked games. Sure, make them harsh in ranked, but please don’t block players in perfectly normal life situations out of playing just because they have to leave a game a game suddenly because a child woke up crying, etc.

Yes, I am incredibly salty. I didn’t leave a single game until I started having a very valid reason for doing so, and perhaps I am too tolerant for not being bothered by others leaving in unranked.

I just do not understand why there can no longer be modes like these available for players in life situations which does occationally force us quickly out of games? This game screams tolerance with all sorts of representations, but let’s just block out certain groups of players because they occationally have to quickly leave games. There are other things than crying children that can also force you out of games, e.g. certain illnesses(IBS is one example).

Yes, there are other games to play(and personally I didn’t play OW for a year while this child had the most messy sleep pattern), but I’d like to pick up OW now, and I do not agree on the penalty choice for these modes.

It is possible Mystery heroes don’t have it, so feel free to correct me. I am just incredibly sour atm. I left QP on both occations the last 24 hours.

But please put some more thought into this penalty choice. I understand some see leaving as a huge issue, so I do think certain modes should have penalties to it. Ranked being obvious.

Sadly, the penalty system is there because of serial leavers.

Only arcade and custom games don’t have the penalty. (And vs ai)

Does MH not class as arcade now? It’s been so long since I played anything other than ranked lol

It’s in the quickplay tab. So it counts as quickplay, thus it has leaver penalties.


Well. That is fair enough. I didn’t even know they moved it.


The only mode I think needs a penalty. All the others, not so much. (especially QP)

How so. Leavers are an issue in any mode.

If in quick play you HAVE to go, then fine. But the penalty won’t impact you anyways. If you are just queue dodging, map dodging and rage quitting, you deserve it. You still have to leave a lot of games to get anything worthwhile.

You are right in a way… it shouldn’t have to be a thing… but too many people have ruined it for others, so they are the ones that need to be blamed, not Blizzard.


QP isn’t important, it’s more of a practice hero mode. You get fillers, it’s no big deal. :tipping_hand_man:

Personally I agree. But too many people are a bit lame and dodge games and rage quit when they are losing… Games get ruined by that as the match making doesn’t find like for like MMR when backfilling.

So, the issue isn’t the penalty… the issue is those that ruined it for others in the first place.

If you don’t leave, the penalties won’t impact you anyways. So the only reason to be annoyed is if you’re a constant leaver. At that point you’re the problem.

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