What is happening!

I got 3 sr for a win?? bug or whats happening ?

you get SR based on your performance. If you don’t just “ok” or really bad you get less SR compared to if you did amazingly.

Eg if you play McCree and at your rank, other McCree players get about 40 Elims, 25 Objective Elims, and 15k damage but you do nowhere near this you get less SR, and if you get way more, then your SR gained is better.


also team performance… team is a piece of crap? kiss your SR goodbye…

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It is not that significant. If you gonna do NOTHING the whole match you still get more than 10 sr.

Sr after game depends on report amont. As more you report others as less you get Sr.

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It’s a bug , i guess they still didn’t fix it.