What is the worst hero to climb with?

What is the worst hero to climb with if you’re onetricking? If you’re a GM-smurf and if you’re a gold player?

My pick is Sigma. He’s hard for a gold to play and a gm would carry more with any other tank. He’s also really hard to play with a hog or zarya.

I saw chronodotas unraked to gm in with sigma (in october) but I feel you cant compare that to sigma now. Back then his shield was 1500. He could block hook and whip with kinetic grasp. The barrier regen was nerfed from 175 to 120. The only big buff was grasp from 13 to 10 sec cooldown with 60% instead of 40% damage conversion.

Interesting pick, and I think to an extent you’re right. Back before orisa and sigma nerfs even low ranks would pick double shield but since the nerfs nobody really does, they don’t realise sigma is an offtank and requires either a rein or orisa on his team to get value.

I would say sym or ball though, purely because its very likely that teammates will decide that you’re throwing based on that pick, and are then more likely to throw themselves.

For anything but a Gm Player my gues would be rodhog. He has good impact if you play him right (which hero does not?) but he get hard countered by so many heros and in ranked with randomes you need to be realy good to make him work i gues. Or at least you would be better of with a zarya as a of tank most of the time. Sadly i like to play Rodhog.

Depends on your skillset. If you lack aim them most likely Widow, Mcree, etc.
If you lack Game sense and game awareness, Mercy, Ana, etc.