What is wrong with the Ranked Matchmaking?

I have the Problem that I only get (Sorry for the wording) Trash mates. They have no idea what Counter Picking is or which Chars are Meta. It drives me nuts to the Point where I don’t wanna play this game anymore because I can’t lose a match fair. I don’t have a Problem Losing, but when my DPS only has 1k DMG after the Match, it’s just unfair.
Is there a way to get Different Mates or are they working on that, but it’s unacceptable that I get people in my Team that barely know the Game when I am Platin and trying to rank up.

Confirmation bias. The only constant in a game of Overwatch is you. They are not working on a patch to give you different team members, that I can tell.

Word of advice: focus less on what your team mates are doing and more on what you can do to win, and you might find games are going to get better.

Somehow I have my doubts about that.

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Pathetic liar really. If you don’t realize or understand the state of current matchmaking just stick to qp and be a npc

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What OP is claiming has nothing to do with matchmaking. They are saying they are always matched with bad teammates, and implicating that when they lose, it’s never their fault. How is what I said above not true then?

Those are the kind of players who generally lose games because of their attitude, the kind of players typing “gg” after the first team fight is lost, or getting entitled and spending more time whining in chat about how their team sucks, rather than trying to win and get anything done.

You got any real counter arguments, or you’re just going with how I am lying and should stick to QP?

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The matchmaking was pretty bad the first 2 weeks but is getting better each day. It takes a while for everyone to get the right rank. I got put in a GM lobbies the first day when a bunch of players got like 1k sr lower rank than they should be in, but now it’s much better and i’ve been ranking up.
So if you still can’t win games it’s mostly on you.

I tell you what’s wrong.
Played already 100+ matches and most probably only 5% of them were evenly [that was pretty much only on beggining] matched.

  1. in every match it’s 4 vs 5 - there is always 1 player that simply don’t belong to your rank.
    Stupid example from 5 min ago.
    My Acc → 59% - 45 eliminations - 26k dmg
    friendly dps : 15% acc → 8k dmg - 9 eliminations.
    Enemies where somewhat even around 18k

  2. Rankings are not set properly - Plat 3 → win already 21 times → still plat 3 ? Like ok so that’s my rank then. So why my output is always way bigger than teammates ? Better question is if my teammates are not a bit too high ? Who the hell knows…

  3. every 2/3 match have DC’er [on both sides] - Like Blizzard cannot handle servers …

  4. Private profiles - there are people that are using it and few not - Quite frustrating that i cannot check teammates or enemies to pick up proper hero to have best cooperation and provide information what could enemy pick to have counters prepared.

  5. No rank shown during match start - where are those fancy icons ? What if in reality we are playing like bronze - silver - diamond - plat and unranked ? That would answer to point 2… but Blizzard … They know how to F up their games :frowning:

Well overall gameplay is ok - at least no more stuns.
there is only 1 thing left in game that simply don’t belong in OV. Sh** Genji

-Good news for you, yes , stack up team if u don’t like other open que mates, other suggestion for you have you try to lead your team on voice chat , or something else to do about it anything would work.