What would your ideal Sombra buff be?

Look a lot of us see Sombra is on the fence of being really good or be garbage in any elo but I wanted to ask all of you what buffs you would want Jeff to give Sombra. COMMENT BELOW!!!

Personally, I would want her hack to be a bit faster and the spray of her weapon to be reduced

I don’t think she needs buff. If anything, she needs a nerf. Sombra is meant to be used as a utility hero (not for her damage). Because hack is such a powerful ability, her damage has to be low. She also has one of the best ultimates in the entire game. Speeding up her (already fairly fast) hack would make her feel even more disruptive and make you feel powerless, something Blizzard isn’t a fan of (as we saw with the Doomfist nerfs).


Simple damage increase for her gun. Its the only thing she needs. As in, currently she is a utility character, not a dps character.

If damage is increased, a counter nerf would have to be made so she can’t charge EMPs at an insane rate. What’s the problem with keeping her as a utility character?

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i agree for the damage would be a problem i would say the spray would make more sense

All she needs is a small tweak to the spread of her weapon which can be a bit too wide sometimes, like a tiny bit more precise at close range.

i agree with u nuu its a bit too wide and spread it un consistant making her very hard to play

i would make her hack not interrupteble untill she loses hp, so if she has shields or armour on top of health that would serve as a buffer alowing her to hack freely

Ideal CHANGE (not buff), increase the amount of time it takes to pull off a hack. a lot of the time if you turn around and shoot her, she’ll still pull it off because of that SLIGHT ping delay.

She should have soldiers aimbot, and can instakill with one bullet. Also she should be able to hack multiple enemies at once with right click. Each hack lasting 5 mins. Her ult should have a 30 second charge up time if not doing anything. She should be able to capture points when invisible and should have 600 health.

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yes this last one is on point.maybe then she will be viable at low elos(wat tye hell is tho)

if u played her u would feel exactly the other way around

I do play her, just not often. I just hate when it’s nearly impossible to stop hack because their sombra is playing at mcdonalds

Just ask diva to look at her general direction and m1 and u got a 2secs window

I’d like to see her buff like Brig or Zarya. 6ft tall, muscles, would look great on the Mexican lady.

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And a skin with a big beautiful greasy mustache.or maybe for Emp and hack to stop cooldowns countdown if an ability is used prior to hack

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Down a bottle of tequila before EMP maybe? And 1000% yes to the big greasy moustache, biggest handlebars you’ve ever seen.

Passive to climb walls as well maybe?
In all seriousness her invis needs a shorter animation, cause nothing says stealth like glowing hot pink for 15 mins.faster hack could be good, could be broken op plz delet bliz. I would like her whole kit to not be countered by a single dmg tho, both invis and hack are nullified by the single most harmless most lost pellet which is infuriating sometimes, maybe a dmg threshold for the ability to be canceled would be nice

How about being able to come out of invisibility by putting a knife in someones back? Not a one hit kill by any means.

Would be happier with just a quick melee cancellation for invis