When match is ending, you can't tab unless you endorse


Since the last patch or so you can’t look at scores, dmg, elims etc. - unless you endorse. The tab-menu simply don’t work until you have endorsed.

If you open the tab menu during the slow-mo at the end of the match (before the victory screen), you will be able to hold it open until the potg ends.
Which should give you ample time to compare the numbers.

I don’t know if it’s intentional that you can’t see the scores before you endorse, but at least this work around works for now.

Yes, I know that works. But before you could open it during the whole end of the match. So something has changed, and it feels like a bug.

Pressing tab didn’t use to open the last played heroes of a person on the endorsement overlay either.

So i don’t know if it’s an intentional thing or not. I hope not.