There are tons of threads here about something Blizzard still has not gotten under control and its costing them players. You see, some of your largest streamers who once promoted the game are leaving for other games. Especially that superhero game and you know which one I mean.
Cone to find out one who has a serious amount of followers left because he threw his hands up and just could not deal with the cheating anymore. I can see why. Quickplay , competitive and nearly any game mode played here in Overwatch has cheaters killing other’s fun.
I am amazed by the Hypocrisy really. You can get banned for comments said to a person, you can get banned for a whole season if you leave a competitive game early and the thing about that is, Blizzard is SO hardcore about that rule.
Yet you let the cheaters run wild. Why?
People simply are sick of playing against cheaters and its rampant that you can clearly see it. You are happy with other players who are bronze or silver unable to rise in the ranks because they play against cheaters who keep them from being able to rise in a game. I dont play competitive anymore because of stuff like this.
Again, any of you blizzard employees who handle banning people can go pull up a website with software that OPENLY advertises cheats for sale. Yet you bring no action against them while they have OPENLY stolen from you, hacked your code and that is not seen as criminal enough to bring action against them. Whatever happened to the blizzard that had a backbone? How can people selling cheat software have WEBSITES doing something 100% ILLEGAL and blizzard with its vast pools of cash not lift a finger to bring ONE lawsuit against these guys?
It shows cowardice and irresponsibility on your account leaders of blizzard. You really think that a new character or tank makes this right? You think that game updates and offering PVE and all that really makes up for the experience that we are still getting when trying to play an honest game? If this is going to be the case then why not just buy out the cheaters and use the cheats as options in the game for those who want to have that experience huh? Just make a game mode that gives people all the cheats and admit the cheaters run your business or you guys are letting it happen for whatever reason.
I makes NO sense to me. You have the lawyers, the money, the power to stop these guys cold who are OPENLY breaking the law and why won’t you do something? If you been alive long enough I hear that back in the day the cheating got SO crazy with Diablo 2 that you guys HAD to step in because so many people were making hacks that in some cases were better ideas than you came up with and that upset you guys so you shut down the Diablo 2 servers I think.
Now that was a company that had enough and put its foot down and made it stop. It did stop because the hackers had nowhere to go anymore. They did not have the money to keep up and make servers because even if they did, it wasn’t what even the CHEATERS wanted. They wanted to cheat but wanted to do in in the actual Diablo 2 environment.
So when will you do enough banwaves? When will you start sending legal letters to these hackers and warn them? Why has there not been ONE official who gives us these update videos to REALLY tell the reason they have not attacked the hackers as they have attacked the game?
You RUIN anything that we LIKE and NERF stuff that doesn’t need to be nerfed (Reapers power of being a tankbuster gone for example) (what I would not give to have the old powerful reaper back) and keep allowing the one thing that should not be.
So when is blizzard going to realize, your problem is not so much a new superhero game, your problem is as a company you are afraid, scared and have lost your mettle to take on the hackers and shut then down and think its going to fix itself.
We the customers who want a HONEST and cheat free experience are disappointed. You dont want to stand up for your OWN company and people who have less than 1% of your revenue and influence have taken your game and you remain in fear.
There is no real Blizzard anymore.
When will blizzard stand up? - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums