When you know the meta is bad

When you have 7k hero damage and 5.6k shield damage you know the meta is bad.
When you suck at Zarya but go 6-1 anyway you know the meta is bad.
When koth provides the only real games where people move around and actually kill each other instead of depending on ultimates for wipes you know the meta is bad.
When Lucio is a burden most of the game and speed boost means nothing because you get pushed back you know the meta is bad.
When you spend most of the time crowd controlled you know the meta is bad.
When you climb but get no enjoyment from your wins you know the meta is bad.


Nice opinions you’ve got there. I disagree with them. Because -

  1. They are opinions stated as facts
  2. They are badly argumented opinions
  3. They’re your opinions…
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By this time, nr 3 is enough for me tbh.

I wouldn’t address this issue in that exact way but yeah i cant say i like brigitte meta. So i’m doing QP’s till she gets a real nerf or i get bored of the game.

I cant believe how much better koth is than the other game modes. You know, the players, allies and enemies, are actually moving and attacking from different directions instead of the good old clash between reinhardt +zarya and reinhardt+zarya. Now if the enemy tries to go meta you simply attack them from the side, same with Brigitte who is perfectly manageable in this mode.

I’d say this means that not only the meta is bad but also the maps are horribly restrictive, something definitely new when it comes to FPS games.

Meta is only the meta until people stop playing them because it can be countered. Dive couldn’t be countered. Pro’s already showed how to easily counter this so called current meta, with brig and rein. In a version where Brig still didn’t have all the nerfs. Just a lot of players need to adapt to it. Of course there are also lots of players who don’t want to adapt. And another problem is a lot of players don’t like to play as a team.

KOTH maps have been the best regardless of meta. It’s a shame we can’t choose the maps we play like in CS:GO.

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I wonder if there will ever be some sort of koth on the arcade. Maybe when they release their new competitive map they’ll run it through there first? Capture the flag is a nice substitute but soooo cheesy…

By this time, nr 3 is enough for me tbh.