Where can i actually train my aim?

im a sym main with not that good aim and i’ve asked before but due to a large amount of the community not being able to read properly i wanted to adress it again, is there a place where i can aim train that is not
: full high level aim mains, aka widow/tracer ect.
: full of spacebar spamming genjis (spacebar spam overal tbh)
: bots
i want to just casualy fight others and not have to be on the lookout for a diamond tracer that camps you 24/7
so if your gonne respond to this thread please just piont me to a group/place, if you respond with stuff like “just play against bots” or “go custom game” il take you for those who cant read

There are different types of aim.
Symmetra left click uses tracking aim.

  1. Go into practice range or create a custom game (any will do)
  2. Find a spot on the wall that is within your gun effective range (0 - 12m)
  3. Start moving in semi circles around it at distances anywhere from 2.5 - 12m
  4. Your goal is to keep your crosshair perfectly centered on that spot
  5. Practice until it becomes natural to you

Your tracking is now warmed up (though not your prediction with right click).

Additional stuff:
CHECK PSA guide on finding your sensitivity.
CREATE a custom game with 2 lucio bots but remove their boop ability and adjust their/ your hp/heal/ammo values so you can practice on them for a long time before you kill them or they kill you.
Do not practice too much on lucios because bots have movement patterns.

You can play “aim hero”. I think it’s £5 on Steam. You can practice all different types of aimming there.

QP is a good place to train your aim. Not sure why that isn’t self evident.

If your complaints about Widows and Genjis is regarding QP, then I don’t know what to tell you. If you don’t want any opposition to your aim training, then maybe QP isn’t the place and the practice range would be a better option, but why would you want to practice aim without real players on the enemy team,

rather than aim hero you could use aimlab which is a free software

Mate, apparently you can’t read as well :slight_smile:
Playing casually is not how you improve anything, let alone aim. So, you either play casualy and your aim stagnates, or you play vs bots and improve your aim.

Can’t read what? Are you implying QP is a bad place to help improve aim?

It worked for me. I’d rather use real moving targets that are being controlled by human players (more realistic) than bots.

If QP doesn’t work for some of you, by all means use the bots.

I seriously doubt that …

It is bad place … Sure, you’ll improve, but slowly. Like everything you train, you need special conditions. Bots, mini-games, and such are the best to build your muscle memory up, and as fast as possible.

This is just a wild guess but I think you don’t like QP that much :sweat_smile:

I could be wrong

You can 2 two sides, agility and perception.

Agility is the skill to move your mouse quickly and with precision. Outside of Overwatch, osu! Is a great game to train agility. However, it requires agility in tapping, too, but you could enable the relax mod to focus on the mouse only.

Perception is the ability to notice your surroundings. This should be learned in the game itself so you understand the movement of the heroes. “Ana-Hs” matches are good but you learn more in real matches like QP or Competitive because players are more unpredictable. The best mode to train your aim is FFA because you can completely focus on killing opponents.

Hope that helps.

You are wrong. Very wrong :wink:

Ok good. Another QP lover :smile: Welcome to the family! Just messin with ya :wink:

You don’t train to get better, you train to keep what you have.
Your aiming skills will never improve. People who say you can are incorrect.
You can fine tune your mouse, learn positioning and everything but your aim will not improve.
Aiming skills are like intelligence or talent. You either have it or you don’t.
You can’t learn to be more intelligent, nor can you learn talent.
If everybody could improve their aiming skills we’d all be professional sporters :wink:
And women would not nag our heads off about putting the toilet seat up.

Yo, i get what you’r trying to say. But your really…really wrong. The whole concept of “aim” is hand movements. Your telling me you cant improve overall “smothness” between hand eye co-ordination?
The way i feel i improve my aim is to stick to 1 sens thats just a tad slow but i can still flick 180’s no problem.
The best advice i’ve got for the thred, is that you should try to ease onto your target. Dont jank your mouse to the posicion where you want it to go. You have to aim as in you need to “slowly” put your crosshair on the target and shoot.
You cant skip steps. Aim - realise target in your crosshair - shoot.
If you skip any of the steps you will not hit your target.

Nonsense. Practice makes perfect, it’s corny but true!

I smell a troll :pig_nose:

Mate, like everything you do … 10% is talent, 90% is very, very, very hard work. One thing is true though … you can not change your “sensitivity”. Average people are best suited to lower sensitivities(but it’s not the same for every person), because we’re not all made to be brain surgeons …