Where is the demisexual pride banner?

I was just looking at all the inclusivity the banners offer and am seriously disappointed by the lack of a demisexual banner.

There is asexual, aromantic, asexual, and then the whole rainbow but nothing about demisexual.

For those of you wondering, demisexualism is that we dont engange in physical coupling unless we are in love. Flesh means nothing to us, spiritual/emotional connection is everything. My last partner was way older than me and probably unappealing to most of you. Many claimed that it was for money, no, I gave the family most of it back (oh you respect me now when you never bothered to even call, whateverā€¦), spending a tiny fraction of it on our shared love for dogs. What she wanted, there is now a shelter in her name.

I want a demisexual banner, if its not too much of an inconvenience, please. It is from top to bottom, white, mauve and grey not to be mistaken with the asexual banner thats already available ingame with a different order. There can be a second stripe of green under the mauve one for including romantic, but has more or less the same meaning.

Love is timeless, maybe not that ageless as we arent interested in non-adults, but I hope you get my gist.

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maybe thereā€™s no demi because it often falls under the ace umbrella? if they got into that rabbithole they probably couldnā€™t keep up with flags haha

would certainly be neat though

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Well makes sense about the rabbithole, but they went quite far with all the other ā€œflagsā€.

From a production point of view it shouldnt be that much of an efford to create an image with a few lines. If they want I could create it in PS or Illustrator in 5-10 minutes.

There are more "demi"s (as you call it) in the world as any other of the ā€œflagsā€. The reason for that is that you could be homosexual or straight and still identify as demisexual. Infact the :heart: image is not a single heart its 2 fused together, think about that. Not everyone is a hormone pumped, sex crazed creature, and there is pride in that on its own.

Had to actually go into the game to check which flags there are haha. Iā€™m quite surprised they included agender and genderfluid, those strike me as a bit more ā€œnicheā€. Otherwise I wouldā€™ve said they just wanted to include the ā€œpopularā€/ main flags.
I suppose in that case it would be fair enough to include demisexuals as well. Itā€™s probably a bit more work to actually implement into a game, but Iā€™m not a dev so I have no clue xD

There are more "demi"s (as you call it) in the world as any other of the ā€œflagsā€. [ā€¦] Infact the :heart: image is not a single heart its 2 fused together, think about that. Not everyone is a hormone pumped, sex crazed creature, and there is pride in that on its own.

You kinda lost me here, I have no idea what youā€™re talking about lmao
Iā€™m asexual too though so - preach to that last one haha

The part where I ā€œlostā€ you is, you can be of any orientation and still be ā€˜demiā€™ in a broader sense.

Im not a developer myself either, but I know how to make a vector or pixel graphic, hence know its not that much of a big deal. Well at least if you are not trying to paint the Mona Lisa in MS-Paint. There are some visually intriguing banners where I can see that efford flow into thatā€¦ Im just asking for a few lines, thats all. White - Mauve - Grey, a la the other banners.

You know what, forget I even asked. Arguing about this feels futile and childish already.

The part where I ā€œlostā€ you is, you can be of any orientation and still be ā€˜demiā€™ in a broader sense.

Oh- uh, no, I got that part actually. Like I said Iā€™m asexual so Iā€™m familiar with the whole ā€œromantic not always equal sexualā€-part.
I was more confused about what you said with the heart or that there are more demisexuals than other ā€œflagsā€ (?).

ā€œimplement into a gameā€ as in: writing the code etc.
making the picture is easy ofc, heck they could probably rip it from the internet if they wanted to

You know what, forget I even asked. Arguing about this feels futile and childish already.

??? what huh?
We werenā€™t even arguing? I am agreeing with your point! I was just proposing theories about why they might not have done it yet.
What do you mean futile and childish, dude? Are you good?

Im so sorry, you misunderstood me because of my vague use of the subject in my sentences. I wasnt arguing with you in any shape or form.

Just in general, I dont want to argue or even push on this. I said my piece and the rest is in the hands of the developers.

It would have been really nice to include us as well. If not, its not going to upset or hurt anyone.

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Canā€™t you just pick the Winter Wonderland banner or something?
I got it for free and looks nice with the gold anniversary character faces