Who else is worried about the new Symmetra?

Is it not gonna do anything? NO.
Is it trash? Will it put the character into eternal obscurity? NO.
It may be TOO powerful.
Her Teleporter can now Transport things you couldn’t even IMAGINE could get through. Such as:
D.va’s Self-Destructing Mech
Torbjorn’s Turret
(Possibly) Other “Minor” Things Like Orisas Shield.
Her Turrets now get more health and damage, and have A LOT more placement range, sure they have travel time, but now Sym players can easily melt people in the spawn by staying back and slowly firing their turrets into the door one by one.
Her ult has been changed, too.
Instead of her Teleporter (Which is now an ability) or a shield generator (which now ceases to exist), its a shield the size of a whole spawn room.
Yes, larger than the first bridge on Eichenwalde.
Yes, nearly as wide as the 2nd objective on Anubis.
And i almost forget, her primary/secondary fire.
I can see ONE good change with her primary fire, you actually have to aim with it now, similar to Zarya’s weapon at low charge.
But the damage it does in close range is LUDICROUS.
It can melt any offense/defense hero in seconds.
And her secondary fire is well, different.
It can’t pass through shields, but it explodes on impact.
The only good changes i saw from this rework were the changes involving her regular weapon.
Of course the damage might have to be scaled down, but if those changes were the only changes added, Symmetra might be balanced, but those changes with the teleporter/ultimate just seem like too much to handle.
There are some videos that show the changes, pay attention to how much damage she does and the size of the shield, they both need to be scaled down.
The devs said that they tested her thoroughly, but i think they need to do a better job.
Anyways, i really hope this change doesn’t get through, also, you may notice that the offense/defense heroes were merged into one category.
It just looks…horrible.
(I also would put a couple videos here, but the forum won’t let me put links in, what did they think i would put in here, something inappropriate?)

She’s not going to do anything. She’s a storm arrow victim waiting to happen on live, and nothing about that is going to change with her rework.

Trying to play any mid/short range squishy is borderline suicidal right now. Hell, even DVa with 400 health and 200 armor and decent mobility is barely considered viable because she needs so much healing to keep afloat.

To be honest i think that shield is too huge. No long range will be able to shoot through that :S It must be nerfed asap.

She will now be able to deploy up to 30 turrets each of which will now fire a plasma rocket similar to a soldiers rocket

You know the barrier is her ult, right? Every now and then it can be used to save the team from an ult, or act as a relief for tanks to get their shields up. Or to get to Bastion without a Dva. Once.

Relax, the sky will still be up there when she slots into live.

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[quote=“Teapot-21154, post:4, topic:3202, full:true”]
She will now be able to deploy up to 30 turrets each of which will now fire a plasma rocket similar to a soldiers rocket