Why Blizzard Won't Stop Smurfs

OK. Go away.

This this no place for racism.

Again. More slanderous xenophobia.
Please, just leave.

you are definitely sick if you see what is not

OK. Now personal insults because I think the game is in a relatively OK place atm?

  • You attack the game devs…
  • Make racist remarks about Asian characters
  • Xenophobic remarks regarding the devs.
  • And completely baseless, hyper aggressive comments about the game.

You not see a problem here?? If you don’t like it, maybe go play something else and not cry about it on the forums…

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  1. that the genji is narrow-eyed is a biological fact
  2. xenophobia? read what it is
  3. comments are substantiated and supported by dozens of players in other topics
    more questions?

Continuing to spout the same racism isn’t going to help you.

If you don’t know what xenophobia is, many books or even Google that can help you.

Maybe while you’re at it, research in to why your comments are problematic.

if I say that the developers are blind and don’t see the obvious things, this is not xenophobia. If instead of answering you like to hide behind popular words, having little understanding of their meaning, these are your problems, not mine

You attacked them for being American… that there was xenophobia.

Maybe stop hiding behind your keyboard and go say your racist comments to blizzard directly?

Also, not my problem at all. I’m not the bigoted racist attacking a video game… all because youre not having as much fun as others??

read again what I wrote and find out where I attacked them for being americans? you only see what you want to see

Yeah,I see an upset racist trying to defend himself.

trying to bait me in order to send reports? pathetic attempt

No, I’ve already flagged your posts. Now please. Attitude change, or move along.

No need to bait you, you’ve already done it.

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should i change something just because you don’t like it? no

No, no. Don’t change it. Your comments are there for all to see.

of course I will not change anything, this is my opinion and I don’t care if you like it or not

I get you don’t like Genji because you don’t havw the ability to deal with him.

Suggesting he is broken is weird… why not play him if he’s that broken… unless you can’t get value from him?

But to get so upset about it you have to make rascist comments… that is just hilarious. Completely invalidating anything you have to say.

Not liking something = cool

Perpetuating racial stereotypes = not cool

Remember, why be so mad. Its just a video game.

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yes, I don’t like genji because he is very, VERY hard to hit, he is the only one who can deflect almost any ultimate and has a instant shift after every kill, this is a very unbalanced character and he must be nerfed. Ok, i was wrong, i’m sorry

You are in the same rank (give or take) as me.

All of these issues you have with him (and I say this a nicely as possible), a you problem.

Dealing with Genji is just about timing and coordination. Bait out deflect and dash, tell your team he’s used them, then pounce.

Yes hes tricky to deal with, but he is also very low value in most situations.

He is not balanced, but that is because against people with good coordination he is actually really bad. Hence why hes not been “meta” since old school dive (bar the brief patch where his damage was ridiculous).

There is a reason why we are in gold/plat. We probably struggle with some basic concepts in the game, and these are the mistakes genji is designed to punish. Its not that hes “overpowered” or “broken”. It is that we are just making stupid mistakes, or put simply, we are bad at the game.

We improve, problems are solved.

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well, I’ll keep in mind. thank you

Get a room guys
Sounds like you both have issues