Why did you nerf sombra?

Why did you nerf Sombra? About hacking the same enemy is justified, but why nerf the disable duration and damage? in the first Overwatch she had 8 damage per bullet, in the second part she got 7, but she was given a 40% passive, but she actually had very little control. and now, when the liability is 25 percent, there is no difference with the first overwatch, even worse, it cannot do anything without hacking. And I would not say that she was very strong. she was just strong, and having nerfed her, now it’s hard to do something for her. You need to increase the main damage without hacking, disable abilities to 2.5 seconds and reduce the spread, because well, to deal at least some damage, you need to go straight point-blank, and most often other heroes at point-blank range will kill you faster … because other heroes have more damage, and teammates will always help, because she is alone behind and everyone immediately pays attention to her. I hope you pay attention to my message


Because she was a little too strong.

The nerfs are probably a bit much, but nerfs were needed.

Sojourn is so much stronger than her, and yet Sombra gets the nerf bat?

Maybe you’re just bad

I don’t see Sojourn be invis all the game, come behind me (I mostly play mercy) and murder me in 1 clip without I be able to react since I can’t dash away cause I’m hacked.


Agree Sojourn needs big nerfs.

Doesn’t mean others didn’t need nerfing too.

Their decision to ignore Sojourn is baffling, their decision to nerf Sombra Genji Zarya Dva were all correct (although I think they might have gone a little too far with Sombra and Genji)

This is why! Murdering poor supports running back from spawn!

Unbelievable amount of respect for you playing support when sombra was as strong as she was before the nerf. Respect to anybody who plays support we couldn’t win without you

Because hacking from stealth, was, is and always shall be a very, very bad idea for everyone except the Sombra.

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Probably because sojourn is a new hero .once enough players keep playing it then it will get nerfed .

Which would be a limp enough excuse, but they nerfed JQ after a couple of weeks in the beta.

My only real theory is that the nerfs needed are quite big, so best to save it for the new season. But even that’s a pretty weak theory.

I play a lot of Mercy and felt I could actually deal with Sombra’s fine. If I knew one was hunting me down I would generally stay near some kind of pillar, then when the hack comes in I dance around the pillar breaking LoS until I can glide away. That said I do welcome the nerf because when you do end up in the line of fire, it was a lot of damage.

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So is Kiriko but she got nerfed. Not a massive nerf but still a nerf.

My gut feeling is sojourn will get nerf by the middle of next season