Why does Blizzard think its okay to Smurf?

Smurfing for me has only ever been seen as nothing but annoying and unfair.
Apparently, it isn’t against the TOS. Can they not do something about it? Does it make them more money?

Because they give them money.

If Overwatch was a F2P game they’d have the incentive to crack down on smurfs the way dota 2 tried to do. Here though they will do their best to turn a blind eye and enjoy the cash smurfs give them.

You can think of it this way - smurfs pay extra to get to play against weaker opponents, ruin games and feel good afterwards.

That is just awful.
I’m about to call Blizzard out on the forums, f*cking EA wannabes.

Will you stop moaning about smurfing? It’s not cheating or anything, even good players can have bad games, if that was the case, you wouldn’t even know it was a ‘Smurf’.

Buying a new account doesn’t lead to playing against weaker opponents apart from very first matches.
If a 4200 SR player buys a new account, at first he’ll play against new players, but quickly they’ll be matched against high SR players too. That’s the reason why if this said person plays competitive at level 25, they’ll be most likely placed in GM already.

It’s not smurfing that allows a good player to noobstomp, it’s the fact to purposely throw games in order to be percieved as low skilled by the system.

There are plenty of smurfs around that actually tryhard on main and alt accounts, and I don’t see anything you can blame them for.

You don’t even need a smurf to noobstomp, one can just derank on their main account. As long as the throws aren’t blatant enough, they won’t be banned.

Purposely manipulating MMR to get against weaker opponents is not a smurf problem. There’s nothing wrong with smurfing as long as people actually try to win.

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well i play on console, and unfortunately, that doesnt happen.

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So why are all the gods who completely stomp the enemy team, have ridiculous win rates and play almost always widow/genji/doomfist are people around level 30-50? Remove all of them and suddenly the number of people playing way below their skill level drastically diminishes.

It’s not directly a smurf problem, it’s a gameplay sabotage issue.

Both smurfs and main accounts can play terribly on purpose to get to a low rank.

Also, some alleged smurfs might be an actually skilled player because they transferred from another game like CS:GO or TF2.

Smurfs who play normally are not a problem but smurfs who play bad intentionally are a problem.

Smurfs are just an issue on the outside but the root of the problem are basically “throwers”

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I’ve said it many times before - throwing is punishable, smurfing is not. It is extremely easy for a smurf to start off at lower rank without risking a ban throwing on his man account. Suppose the smurf is a high master player. What would be more feasible, throwing to gold or making a smurf and getting placed in gold?

But the root of the problem is diamond and how SR is calculated. Because of the flat +25/-25 it is a smurf heaven. The smurf can go 52-1 and still get 25 points the same as his teammates who technically did nothing. One of the bad sides of the SR change.

There is so many F2P game that dont give a flying F about smurfs.

Artificially manipulation SR is bannable offense. Having a smurf is not.

You should prolly call out Bustar for BS.

Umm no, you look at it the wrong way. A smurf doing badly in his placements, placing low then stomping towards his true rank can not be punished in any way. This is why so many smurfs are doing it.

Because your too ignorant to realize that there is poeple with higher lelve smurfs but your unable to spot them. Also when a GM places the account it can easily be lets say diamond. And then you spot the smurf before the smurf ranks up.

Whats your point? I don’t care about higher level smurfs, I only notice the level 30 godly players because then I can be sure they are smurfs.

Sigh. Your so incredibly ignorant. So if a new account places in diamond even tho the owner is GM and tried hes best in placements and it takes some games to climb to GM thats a BAD thing, but if a lvl 200 GM smurf throws games to go to diamond to stomp noobs thats ok because your too ignorant to understand that hes doing it? While the first case is ok and the 2nd case is actually bannable offense.

So you are basically agreeing with me that smurfs are bad. I mean I am glad, a week ago you were preaching how all the good players are not smurfs but good players, now you are saying there is a good chance for that great player who is level 200+ to also be a smurf. Good on you for learning!

Sigh. I mean how can you be that ignorant? Sure people who THROW GAMES AND ARTIFICIALLY MANIPULATE THEIR SR are bad people. Some people do that on their main accounts and some do that on their smurfs. That doesent mean I agree with you. I dont think anyone with critical thinking capabilities could agree with you.

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Because you are so narrow minded in your attempts to disagree with me you support my point. In this instance throwing doesn’t matter, I don’t have problem with it, I don’t see it nearly as much as I see smurfs stomping. Why? Because it is easier, quicker and safer to make a new account. Thats all there is to it.

Now you are saying that there are also 200+ smurfs who ruin games, I’ve never even touched this subject but you are basically expanding my criticism to high level players accusing them of being smurfs. Good on you once again!

So essentially your saying its ok to throw games to stomp people for ever in comp and ruin games all the time but its not ok to pay 40€ to get a new acc so you can stomp a few games in QP, then place and stomp few more games until your at your own rank.

Im starting to think your a 700+lvl smurf who just trolls on forums for fun. Since your logic falls to kindergarten levels.

Are you…what? I cant even comprehend the way you think. I even said it multiple times - if someone throws from high masters to gold there is a high chance they get reported and suspended. This is why i don’t care, the community will sort them out. Reporting does work when its in mass quantities and nobody likes throwers. My problem with smurfs is that they will never get punished, they will be a constant in my games an there is nothing I or anybody can do about them.

Is it easier now to understand? Shall I use more simple words? I am honestly at a loss at the moment, even feel a little bit of sadness. Nobody should be this tenacious.

This is not really true. There is so many ppl who have done that and not got pnished. Its because people like you, who cant spot someone throwing or smurfing as they are using a higher lvl account that their brains cant comprehend that it could be something fishy going on.

But then again there is smurfs getting punished. Because even blind people like you can spot them and report. Every time I hear a smurf got suspended its been low level smurf, not a high level. And it doesent matter that the offenses that the high levels did were far worse than the low lvls (THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT ALL SMURFS DOES THINGS THAT ARE BANNABLE OFFENSE IE I HAVE SMURFS THAT HAVENT BEEN BANNED BECAUSE THEY DO NOT DO THINGS THAT ARE BANNABLE OFFENSES, SORRY FOR CAPS BUT I THINK I NEED TO HIGH LIGHT THIS BECAUSE OTHERWISE YOUR GONNA SAY THAT I AGREE WITH YOU AGAIN). Its just because people are ignorant, you being a proud example.