WHY is OW2 going 5v5/one tank

The game is not the same… the only difference is they have more skill than you. A lot more skill.

Everywhere… you still not watched those 9 games. Not sure Genji was in many of them. Even in gold he gets shut down in seconds.

Experts on the forum… lol.

well actually it’s more like a love letter to unreal tournament and quake, but you know, gotta make it more original like how TF2 was originally a quake mod.

the TTK is still far too Low for the kind of game it is, and it will be even worse in OW2 unless there are massive damage nerfs across the board (which im guessing there won’t be)

ttk is debatable what’s appropriate, but i don’t think OW will be the same moving forward.
tbh by all metrics it shouldn’t have worked due to ultimates and abilities being too strong in general to begin with.

but yeah, if they feel the ttk is too low all they need to do is increase the healthpool across the board.
but that is if the devs want the game to be like that.

as for us, we have no say really, if the devs think it’s good, they will do it.

TTK is only too low if you are doing something wrong.

Half the problem with the game is the strength of burst and AoE healing, plus the addition of don’t die mechanics like Baps lamp.

It’ll be one of the worst changes they’ve ever made to this game, especially for off-tanks but a lot of things will change with OW2, hero abilities, ults, etc so maybe it’ll work, time will tell. I’m just looking at it as a new game and not a continuation of OW1. We shouldn’t play OW2 and compare it and want it to be the same as OW1.

OW2 will be “different” for all tank players.

But the tank role is stupid atm. You either play double shield and it is too oppressive and kills the fun for everyone. Or you go Rein and get cc’d out of the game.

Making tanks fun and impactful without dominating every meta is what is needed. going 5v5 will allow that.

You are right, people need to think of OW2 as a completely different game. Comparing it to OW1 will only waste your energy.

Somethings will feel very familiar… But it will be a new experience and will require a different style of play.

its gonna be garbage if you’re a tank player

end of story

I know why they’re doing it, and why i agree it could potentially help spice things up and inject some new life in to the tank class, that won’t change the fact that it’s going to replace a part of the game which me and many other tank mains love. But alas, life is about change and evolution and I’m just thinking of all of this as the evolution of Overwatch.

I wouldn’t go that far to say it’s going to be garbage for all tank players, that’s just not realistic. Some will love it, some will hate it, some will just adapt and carry on. Hopefully I fall in to the last category.

For me personally, I know exactly why it’s going to suck, I have my reasons. But again, it’s things only tank mains will understand. The rest of players just think “yes make tanks FUN, let’s go!”.

I’m a tank main.

I think it is the change that is needed.

People don’t want to play tank the way they were initially conceived, and in hindsight, the way tank are have been wasn’t healthy for the game as a whole.

I am ready for some fast paced brawls.

I am all in for no more tedious bunkers.

um actually, when they played originally in-house before overwatch released they played mostly with 1 tank in each team, so actually this change brings the game closer to how the devs originally planned the game to play as.

however i still think it’s not gonna be that much different, it will still be pretty much the same, maybe not compositionally but you still have roles, ultimates and abilities with the same health pools with roughly the same damage output.

Given the new game mode, that is more a glorified death match with an objective. And how it was played in the pro test… you’ll see a lot more flanking and rushing.

More people given the ability to pop off and impact fights.

so basically what the game started off being during it’s initial release before it evolved into super hard metas surrounding bunkering and being as unflankable and un-rushable as possible.

What it was before overwatch became overwatch.

An ability shooter first. Rather than whatever it is now.

Ask the developers .none of us is developer here op

As a casual tank main, I don’t like this change. I see why some people do, but to me, it’ll just be a hassle to be the one taking all the damage. At least when there are 2 tanks, one can leave and heal while the other takes the damage.

Now, with the 5v5 setup, tanks will be dropping like flies if the supports aren’t fast enough. In my opinion, casual should be 6v6 and comp should be 5v5.

But what do I know, I’m a bronze roadhog main who’s been playing for 2 years.

Also sorry for replying in a dead forum I just really want to get this out.

This just isn’t the case.

I was worried it might be too. But the moment I played the first beta, I couldn’t believe how much better it felt.

A tank is so much more tanky now, you can really get stuck in and be aggressive.

You say you’re a Hog main. That could be an issue as right now he is pretty terrible in OW2. He definitely needs some work.

as a casual tank main i don’t want to look at the other tank pick and think “oh wow this is gonna suck”
and be fighting a 5v6 frontlining against 2 enemy tanks on my own.