Why not give Roadhog and Reinhard clear and obvious friendly ult lines? 2 simple and effective suggestions inside

For convenience and amusement I vote that we (re)move a voice line from Rein and use it as his ult line instead.


https:// gamepedia.cursecdn. com/overwatch_gamepedia/4/4a/Reinhardt_-_Smashing.ogg — a Halloween voice line.

As for Roadhog, well why not give him the same treatment?

After all, he has 2 slightly different grunty things for ulting, 1 grunty thing for friendlies and 1 slightly different grunty thing for enemies.

So keep the enemy grunty thing and replace the friendly line with this:

Push off

https:// gamepedia.cursecdn. com/overwatch_gamepedia/9/97/Roadhog_-_Push_Off.mp3 — which is one of his default voice lines.

Easy peasy, nobody will ever be confused again.

Apparently I can’t use links here. So I didn’t.

It’s because Reinhardt didn’t originally have any German lines (enemy ults play in the hero’s native language).

Roadhog doesn’t speak when he uses his ult, he just laughs, hence no difference either.

I don’t think either of them really need new lines, and I don’t think reusing voice clips would work. Generally I don’t keep track of ults by sound, I use my eyes. It’s usually better to react before the enemy ults, rather than afterwards.