Why wont you fix your game, blizzard?

I just did 9 losses in a row because of derankers. i cannot ever get out of silver 1, because all my games seem to be cursed with these bots.

why are you not fixing this. Where is the joy of having to lose games because others are too lazy to moderate their game


Something needs to change with the system…

:pouting_cat: :+1:

I suppose a possible fix would be for new accounts to have to win more than 50 games (closer to a 100 maybe?) before being allowed in comp. That would allow their mmr to settle further before they’re in comp, which should in theory make the matches more even.

I don’t think they’re complaining about uneven matches. OP’s complaint is specifically regarding derankers - this would imply deliberate throwing of matches…

Not sure if your proposed solution would address this…


The question is though, are they derankers or just been tossed into matches that are too high elo for them because the system hasn’t figured out the right mmr for them yet?

It’s hard to tell based on anecdotal evidence alone, so it could be either reason until we know more.

The game its self is deranking people every season now its only going to get worse
especially for casual players in higher elo deranked by the game. The game is placing new players in too higher ranks. if the game placed you in bronze you would just uninstall it an not play again that why if puts them in higher ranks to keep them intrested.

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I get occasions like this. More so common for me are leavers.

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Dw, the way the match making works your enemies are just as likely to get derankers as you are. You might have got unlucky this time but in some future games ur enemies will have the same problem you are and it should even out over time. Just gotta try your best no matter what!

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