i dont mind being diffed in the game. but these overwatch widow players provoke you with every chance they get.
they join a premade group that are full of highly concentrated players that protect their precious little queen from every angle and corner they can by making every choice and pick right on the spot as useless as ever while the widow from far away kills your support/tank/dps on the spot.
and then they provoke you with: tbagging you, provoking you with humilations lets for example say: the widow tbags you after she kills you, you say something back and then she and her team lets you eat your words after you said something against their team because: you know… its just a videogame… and commonly have a big huge mouth that goes open for waaaay too long all because you wanted to win a normal ‘‘quickplay’’ match that i guess always revolves on the same dumb tactic you got you going on with your little premade group.
all just for a quickplay match… like bro, no is clapping here. go back to back making those widow or call of duty montages you got going on. no one cares.