Widowmaker will not instantly kill anymore?

Widowmaker is literally a sniper. Why would you take away the ONLY skill she has?! It doesn’t make any sense. In all games, snipers can kill with one headshot at ANY distance. She only has 175 health, and you guys are ruining the gaming experience.


Yeah I don’t get it she is one of the most satisfying Heroes when you get a one shot kill I don’t think they should take that away from widowmaker…


Sadly a lot of very vocal players have been downright demanding the deleting of both snipers (both here and on us forum) because they don’t know how to play around cover, how to safely close distance, how to hear sonic arrows, how to crouch occationally, how to ping the sniper’s location to the rest of the team and how to avoid sightlines by using the said ping marker.

The two were only op if the player is really good and knows the terrain, and i’ve only had around 10 of those experiences against me.

Usually i hear the sonic arrow hit a wall near me and back away, only to see a teammate just going past me to get deleted.
More than once i lament that no one apart from me shoots at the snipers in my games, which also perpetuates the myth that snipers are op.

Lmao she can still oneshot stop crying so much

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because you can carry hard with a widowmaker very easily.

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She can carry a match, but to do so she will have to be better than the rest of the people in the match, or be given a lot of space and freedom.
But if the player has neither, she can just as well be a throw pick.

We’ll see how this nerf will change things around.

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being able to instantly kill enemies from a distance no other character can do any appreciable amount of damage is blatantly broken and has been since ow1 launch

my point exactly:

i still have a thread where you can see a video about a widow that carried very easily just because people did not know how to exactly counter her.

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I usually end up being the one going after the snipers because no one else is.
It endlessly amuses me to go up to them and 1v1 them with mercy (and win at least half the time or more).

I teleport near to widows with reaper on qp and shotgun them from behind. Winning a sniper duel with mei is also quite satisfying since at least on 2 occations they swap to mei after and try to get me in return.

Fon’t really need an absolute counter to her.
Hanzo has been more difficult, but not impossible.

for Hanzo I get it, but nerfing Widow like that? the Widow 1 shot kill is essential to her character, what’s the point of a sniper that doesn’t 1 shot kill at any range a better solution is rather than 100 zoom charge 1 shot kill at long ranges it should be 200 and it charges slower after 100 charge, and the 100 charge for long range and 200 charge for extra long range.

Its more about the damage control widow can sustain as an individual than about making those 1 shot kills. Thats why they havent completely taken it away either.

Widow’s damage falloff will change from 70-100 meters to 40-60 meters. The damage falloff scalar will also increase from 30%-50%. She will still have the ability to one-shot 200 health heroes at 50 meters or less

Please read the article next time.

It’s good for the game overall. They didn’t get the one-shot off Widow, you just have to play closer to the enemy team now. You can still carry with Widow, it just needs more skill now instead of hiding behind a rock 90 meters away uncontested and picking up targets. If Hog deserved to be nerfed then Widow deserved it too. In general one shots feel awful, they should have addressed those very long ago.

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I’m calling it. She’s gonna get a buff in the mid season patch. 200hp again or possibly buff her range 10m.

50 meters is too close

this is a terrible nerf, they constantly nerf the widow, as far as I remember she never had buffs

and then this opportunity will be removed, and you write, well, at least there will be an opportunity to shoot it?))

I think the nerf was unnecessary. But all you have to do is play and position more aggressively.

Being so far away no one can get to you while you take peoples heads off is a little unsatisfying to play against at time.

Personally, I’d of just made the charge up take longer. And increase the grapple cool down.

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This is a good way for widow mains to stay back in line.(where they belong).

Also, i love the fact that you get all defensive-like even though widow is not the only hero that nerfed.

News flash. There are other heroes that got nerfed as well. Oh wait, i guess you dont see that if your only a one trick widow player…

True. But widows nerf was probably the one that wasn’t really needed. There were better ways of doing it.

Sure. I dont really care about the outcome. honestly the ones that carried these last seasons were mostly widow mains trying to figure out every cranny in the game to play only her in every single map.

Its about time one tricks know how it feels to be killed with one shot.