Will I be unbanned if I was hacked?

So I got suspended for a month and decided to just not bother with the game after that and just focus on school, but 2 weeks after I’m unsuspended I see that I was then perma banned despite not even playing the game. I checked my steam logins cus I play the game via steam and I see that there was some random login on a computer I’ve never seen before from like 2 months ago. I’ve done like 2 appeals so far and its literally just the exact same response copy pasted each time. Funnily enough it took my mum contacting support on her account for them to give a bit of a better response, but even then it was just the same thing as before dragged out for 3 paragraphs. Do I just keep appealing until a real person picks up my case or?

Keep replyung to the existing tickets yntil they are closed and then open a new one, stay polite and keep calmly requesting that the ban be lifted because you got hacked.
It might take months for someone to actually look into this case

I recommend you activate 2 factor authentication and change your password.


Thank you so much, someone else said to do the same thing