Will it flag me for cheating?

Wondering if I can use a 3rd party program (XMouse Button Control) to create a macro on my mouse that “holds down” scroll-wheel-up for 120 ms. Will I get banned for cheating running it?

Very possibly. It will affect your controls regardless of what controls those are, so in that sense you will be banned posthaste.

Even if you made a macro that spam clicks a keyboard button that you don’t even use for anything in overwatch, you would probably still get banned.


Hey aww, as mentioned by Hieiko using third-party programs to automate game play will be actioned for.

This is advised about too on the Code of Conduct under ‘Cheating’.


Yeah I assumed so! Thanks for confirming it. It was hard to understand where the actual line went for cheating when I read a little about the topic, since most keyboards and mice comes with 3rd party programs for macros and stuff.

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