[Workshop Mode] RPG Loot FFA with Inventory [ v0.1.1 ]

Update: Fixed fireball effect of legendary item “Inferno”

After a couple weeks of working on it, this mode is finally bug free (I think)

Pick up random loot and get stronger! In this mode, you fight for kills and item drops to become stronger, so you can kill faster and upgrade yourself even more.

Each player has a 9 slot inventory. Every item in your inventory automatically grants you all of its stats. Pressing the Interact key (default F ?) opens it up, allowing you to navigate your collected items with your movement input (WASD or Left Joystick).

You can destroy/sell the items to make room for better items, or spend gold on them to upgrade their stats. The only limit to upgrading is the scaling gold cost.

Currently there is no win condition. I’m still considering different options. But for now, you can just play for fun or start a regular deathmatch from the custom game settings.

All tanks and bastion are disabled, but they can easily be enabled from the custom game settings.

Mercy can use her Shift ability, giving her a boost in a direction.

If you have any questions, suggestions or you find any bugs, please comment here.

2020-04-20 [v0.1.1] Black Forest BKQHA

2020-04-05 [v0.1 Beta] Chateau Guillard: FGWDZP

2020-03-23 [v0.1 Beta] Black Forest: XVGMR

  • Loot spawns around the map every 30 seconds, or sometimes on kill
  • Loot despawns after 30 seconds if not picked up
  • Four item rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary
  • The amount of stat rolls and roll range varies depending on item rarity
  • 7 stats (Hp%, Dmg%, HP regen, Dodge%, Crit%, Move speed%, Luck)
  • Currently, Luck only increases the chance to get a drop on kill
  • Legendary items have unique effects
  • Killing players and destroying items inside shop gives you gold
  • Gold can be used to upgrade the stats on your items or buy new random items


  • Open and Close Inventory : Interact
  • Select item in Inventory: WASD or Left Joystick

Outside Shop

  • Pick up item : Crouch + Melee while close to item
  • Destroy item : Reload while inventory is open

Inside Shop

  • Buy random item : Crouch + Melee
  • Sell item : Reload while inventory is open
  • Upgrade items : Melee with your inventory open while inside the Upgrade zone

v0.1.1 : Fixed fireball effect of legendary item “Inferno”
v0.1 : Initial release