Worst ult, as in, least efficient?

I vote S76.

  • needs a lot of effort and risk to time right
  • can be negated easily without actually having to use any (defensive) ult
  • takes relatively long to actually kill one or two people, if any

Orisa’s is also difficult to get right i think.
If you go for full health targets and there’s a lucio, they’ll all escape before you get enough power to kill them all.

oh right, Orisa can sometimes be suicidal or everyone just leaves your radius.

Edit: Also love it when in random QP team and own team’s Zarya ult results in own team actually getting wiped instead of other way round :-s Not an ult issue per se tho.

With the new support, Orissa’s ult is basically redundant.

Orissa doing well for the enemy, go Sombra and Lifeweaver and shes useless.

(The season 4 patch is another small step to killing tanks completely, the Rein nerf is embarrassingly bad).

Pharah. Full Kamikaze.

Did they nerf rein?
I watched the dev chat yesterday but they only spoke of support tweaks.
Like brig’s new ult, moira capable of using fade during her ult (a needed buff, but makes her more unkillable on low ranks)
And undoing mercy’s heal buffs (they re buffed her movement instead and buffed her ult a little to give battle mercy’s more survivability).

Yeah. Reduced armour pool by 50, but increased health pool by 25. So he will be noticeably squishier now. And he is already pretty soft at times.

The Moira change is terrible, but she needed something to make her at least slightly useful. So maybe this is just a step before her soft rework they mentioned.

The new Brig ult… it is insane they think that is a good idea. People used to complain that OG Brig was an unkillable, skilless game killer… She might be back.

For Mercy, removing the 50% HP thingy is a thumbs up (nice to see they can remove bad ideas, hope for Brig yet)… as for the rest, I have never played her so I kind of glossed over it.

The huge shield + multi person stun during a brig ult is ridiculous. They’ll be nerfing that soon, at least making the stun affect less people or the duration will become less than 0.5 in the long run. (If they keep this iteration)

Mercy will be near impossible to catch as her ga cooldown is 1.5 seconds again. She will be everywhere. And she gets the support passive regen back during her ult so she’ll be more difficult to shut down during that.

And reinhardt has been pretty strong for a good while now, so a 50 points nerf to his shield pool isn’t the worst they could have done.

I am not so sure. The CC creep is beginning, just look at the Sigma change (less damage on rock, but a longer stun)

Rein was strong, in a specific set of circumstances with good coordination (basically rush comps on the right map). He will always get value in the lowest ranks because people do mad things, and others don’t have the skill to punish it. But in terms of “meta” power, he is probably closer to Hog now.

Ranked high meta will probably revolve around Ram, Ball, Monkey (OWL will probably be Ball or Monkey). Brig will be in nearly every game higher up, the ability to have a second tank that is healing is too strong.

I don’t think brig gets the shields from her own ult though, so in a sense she is still relatively fragile if you have damage that goes through her shield, or sombra.

Don’t know why they added more stun to sigma’s rock though, it was pretty good the way it was.

No. She goes straight to 300 total HP and nearly the same armour level as Rein.

Adding more stuns to the game is bad. It’s what killed a lot of the fun out of OW1.

Then again, people cried when OW2 started that it was becoming a “generic FPS game”, and now they’ve gone overboard with the MOBA style heroes.

It sounds like we can immediately start crying for brig nerfs then. Less max hp for her during the ult and only single person stuns and she would be more sensible.

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