"You are close to recieving penalty" - wrong message

So, today when leaving match (qp) i got a prompt “You are close to recieving penalty”. I think to myself, ok, I don’t care, the match sucks, like 50% of the games matchmaker finds, no problem.
But to my surprise, I got 4 matches -xp penalty. The prompt was misleading.
It should state “YUou will recieve penalty”, not “you are close” - compeltely different things.
If prompt was ok, I would’ve stayed.
Still, game would suck, but i wouldn’t leave.
Still, I wouldn’t have fun, but I would’ve stayed.

Either it’s an error in prompt, or it’s on purpouse…
If it’s on purpouse, I ahve to say, frankly, I don’t understand. If Your goal is to reduce ammount of people leaving, just give them true information.

Sounds like you had been leaving a lot of games if you already got a punishment. Some people get 7 matches with less xp in punishments.
If you’re playing for xp then just stay in the match, it won’t really matter if it’s a good one or not.
Just leave only right after the victory/defeat announcement and it won’t count as a leave.


That is not the point here.
Point is the message is misleading and should be corrected.

I’m leaving games I don’t enjoy. Xp penalty is a little motivator

Seriosuly? THat’s the only thing that matters. Why on earth would I stay in match that sucks?

I said if.
If the xp deduction doesn’t matter to you then there really isn’t a problem as the ‘punishment’ you got was pnly 4 matches instead of the regular 7

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If you dont care then why are you crying about it on forums ?

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I’m reporting misleading communicate. One that IMO is simply wrong and should be corrected.
My approach to leaving games is not an issue here.