You cant be for real

They reset nothing. Just adjusted the MMR.

If you are placing lower than expected it is because you haven’t judged the ranks right, and that your SR was a chunk higher than your MMR.

If you think you are too low, prove it, climb.

You´re actually insane if you think that a bronze player could survive in GM. Thats what it means if a GM placed in bronze. You´re just insulting ranked as it was before if you believe theres even a possibility that can happen. Can you explain how that would be possible?because if theres a secret youre the only one among millions that can see it.

Who said bronze 5 in OW2 was bronze in OW1.

Plus they were a Mercy OTP. Deserved or not… it is quite funny.

I see, you dont know how the ranks are supposed to work even though blizz has explained it. in each rank there are 500SR. so they separated it into brackets instead so each 100SR represent a bracket. Therefor Bronze 5 translates to 100SR or below because they go from 5 towards 1. This means that OTP would need to lose over 4000SR over 7 games or 20 losses. Thats something that isnt possible even if you do the math on it. They said they were gonna do a soft mmr reset, this aint soft. and even if you count individual performance, i dont know how they do that now but before they stopped doing that at all on people that are diamond or above because you really cant track that at that point.

Where is where you’ve made yourself look a little silly.

SR isn’t a thing any more. It is based off your hidden MMR. The old SR is totally irrelevant.

MMR and SR could be surprisingly different. There is every chance there MMR could of been around Plat/Diamond and still end up with SR in Master/GM.

And if they’ve adjusted MMR and only playing Mercy makes the system think you might not actually be good at the game… Then you end up low.

maybe, but not from gm to bronze. and the amount of people that cant escape bronze 5 when they almost never loses seems to indicate that there in fact is a bug. if they dont gain anything from winning whats the point? grinding damage to get good stats? Ow2 has had many problems thus far and im sure this is one of them. and im sure it will be fixed but i would like for blizzard to adress it because if players win 20 games in a row in bronze and dont get higher rank they might just leave ands thats bad for everyone if it happens to alot of people.

Winning merely gets you a review.

Performing well gets you the climb.

winning should give you more than your stats. your stats dont indicate that much. besides, i have high stats every game thus far and im bronze 4.

Winning and losing is a little irrelevant now. If you win 7 and aren’t performing, you’ll still drop.

But if you perform well you still drop. Youre argument makes 0 sense. If you cant explain it i will just stop. I wont play again until blizzard adress this as im sure many others will

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This isn’t true. If you perform well, you will climb. But “well” has to be better than those in your division.

I think the system is [fair] the way you’ve described it, but in practice it doesn’t really work the same way.

I’ve played silver games where I have had impact as an Ana or Brigitte and ever got PoTG but after the inition 7 matches nothing in the rank changes. You don’t get any information on how to supposedly improve but your rank stays the same.

I honestly don’t mind grinding my way back up from Silver to Diamond, but right now there is just no real way to see what’s making a difference.

I think in the underlining coding for MMR they messed something up, because there is no way after personally salvaging 4 out of my 7 games that my rank wouldn’t change.

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POTG is really irrelevant. I can do nothing all game and jump in once as Reaper and get that. But I get where you are coming from.

I think the system needs more data, so will settle down when people play more. But on paper it makes it really hard to boost people, also players deranking, are only impacting the match result, nothing else (so still annoying, but ultimately they don’t matter).

Add that to the general game being more annoying to smurf in… A lot of the forum criers should in theory be very happy now.

also found out that if u leave any games in that 7 wins window, u wont rank up at all and by leaves it 100% means all those battle net disconnects so if u win 7 games but u disconnected twice in that window, u wont proceed further, u will keep the rank u had or u will even drop. AND EVEN if u wont disconnect most of the time the rank up doesnt happen, speaking for myself i ranked up only once eversince launch and i wasnt anywhere near being mvp or so.

SO YEA THIS SYSTEM SCK HORRIBLY, all these suspensions and deranking due to disconnecting from terribly maintained servers is absolutly fascinating and will drive away players in notime

My question is… If you knew there were server issues, why are you playing ranked.

You can’t blame others for your decision to queue ranked when you know there are issues

I’ll name an example here just to illustrate my point;
https ://

I’m competing with DPS in damage, I am doing way more healing than enemy team supports and I have a extremely high amount of kills and assists so in practice looking at the score board for most matches it tells me that I am doing fantastic.

I’ve won 14 games since I originally ranked and I’m still Silver 1. I have no idea what is keeping me from ranking up since judging by the score board I am doing nothing wrong.

wHy ArE U PlAyInG rAnKeDS :clown_face:

So after arguing with a bunch of people. How does it feel now that even blizzard admitted to the ranks being wrong? Thats why many of us went on about it. We knew it was wrong and people need to speak so that blizzard takes notice quick

They said some.
So most will still be right.

I honestly don’t see the issue anymore after grinding through 28 comp games.
I went from Bronze 5 to Platinum 1 so I’m technically back to where I started from last season.