Zenyatta's healing in game

I’m quite interested Blizzard, when do you plan to fix the Zenyatta’s healing finally. He’s so weak and he’s currently the worst healer in the whole game.

His healings fine. He’s not meant to be a main support. He’s just their to top people up.

His power is in his discord, DPS and ult.

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S tier - Ana, Moira, Kiriko
A tier - Baptiste, Illari, Juno
B tier - Lucio, Brigitte, Mercy
C tier - Zenyatta, Lifeweaver

If you get out healed by a Zen, you have to buy him beer.

Zen is, and always has been, one of the best supports in the game.

Zenyatta’s healing is bad cuz his the only support that enables the killing of tanks. Discord orb increases the damage of 5 characters onto one.

Ana also does that with healing nade but thats on cooldown and can miss.

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I really like Zen, there is just something about the way it plays which I always liked. The ability to heal a team mate while discording the enemy tank while trying to fire at the enemy healers in the backline. Its the ability to do so many things at once, and the ult is very good in most situations.

The only problem I have is the changes made to the discord make it less fun from a damage perspective. Hopefully when we get a new dev in to replace Jeff (its been years at this point) they cann fix that discord cooldown and offset maybe with a lower damage amplifier etc.

if i remember correctly zen had faster healing in the past, and matched better with mercy. or maybe i remember wrong and i’m confusing it with the power of discord?

Zen was a very good healer. Not anymore. I have played a lot of hours and I played over 1000 more in beta, so I know that Zen was once a very good healer, but that is no longer the case. It hasn’t been for a very long time and that’s a shame. He has a discord which is ok and that is great, but as a healer he is very weak and that seems to me very little compared to other healers.

They are supports not healers though.

You support your team with discord and additional damage.

He’s still pretty decent right now, whilst not being “meta”.

Last thing the game needs is more healing (don’t want it to become MR)

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