servers temporary outage


Can anybody confirm that the servers are down? It won`t let me enter the game.

new at this and cant play games for Not Diablolll or Starcraftll. Tried fixing connection problem by

  1. Flushing DNS via Command Prompt
  2. Giving fixed DNS adress of 8888 and 8844
  3. Re enabling network connection. all steps from YouTube Link

Then I looked on posts.
something about exe files they already installed and some other file for support.

still no luck.

is the European Servers giving problems or does no one play older games?

Have the same exact problem, I used to play back in 2018 last time and I came back today for some good old SCII. I get the battlenet ‘outage’ orange prompt in any region i try to access. At the same time, for SC remastered I literally have zero problems.

it just today problem ? not play long time SC2… today lauch and it not want to login.

Decided to finally play LOTV single player and can’t log on.

Always on connection, what a joke.

Im having the same issue

It worked just fine on my other account. But it won’t work on this old acc.

Doesnt work for me either. Havent played for years. Do i need to create a new account?

Same issue: “There is a temporary outage of the service. Please try again later.”