Beginner to game and showing my rank as Master 3 zerg?

Hey there i really enjoy at playing SC2 which I bought recently but there is a huge problem for me that i played my placements match with 2 wins and 3 loses. Then system determined my rank as master 3 and now my MMR is about 2700’s or sth. but my progression bar is not working and i cannot see any progress that i made which is very very frustuating. Is there any solution for that ? Thanks a lot

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Unfortunately there is no solution, since Activision did not care about the error.

The bug is in some form in game for a year now, and with every season it gets worse and worse, so finally it started affecting 1v1 ranks. Fortunately it does not affect match-making (for you are matched by MMR), however, it may be significantly demotivating to many players.

I’d suggest trying leaving the league you’re in, and checking what happens next. If it helps in any way, please reply back about results.

Well I tired to leave my league, did throw me out of my Bronze I and right after a game threw me back into Bronze I so … my MMR is on Gold I / Plat 3 and I keep on laddering when I have time. Matchmaking works, but MMR isn’t right.

Kind of funny in same time kind of sad I don’t see my actual progress so ye … that kind of pushed me down.

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They have said they are investingating in april…

very sad to see this state of the game, i was hoping even if the game will be less and less popular some people will still take care of it.