Can't log in, shows Win 10 loading window

I can’t log into the game, I get a windows loading window and it stays there forever.

I was about to upload a screenshot but the forum doesn’t let me. It’s a grey windows loading box with a blue loading bar that keeping loading but nothing happens.

Any ideas how to fix this?


It’s just a small indie company. Problems can easily pop up.

Serously, how I do fix this?

You don’t and you won’t fix it. There is an issue with the server it seems. The loading screen at the start communicates with their services, which seem to have an issue at the time being. Best we can do is wait for them to fix it.

Hopefully soon.

I have the same issue.

I have the same issue, this is really annoying. Please fix it already.

ive had same issue all day. Ive raised a ticket. hopefully they sort it soon.

I got the same issue :frowning:

Glad I’m not alone in this. Hope it gets fixed but again, it’s really frustrating to not be able to play a game that I/we paid for!