Hello, my friend and I have been playing CO-OP in SC2 and been having a blast. The only problem is, we can’t buy the commanders we want through the “Purchase” button in-game. We have yet to test the shop in the launcher, but the problem remains that the shop in the launcher does not have the hero that my friend wants to play. Karax is simply missing, for no apparent reason. Please assist us and provide a fix, so that you can make money off of your customers. Thank you.
ı have same problem. I bougt a commander but I cant use it.
Thank you for your reply, but we do not have exactly the same problem per se. Our problem is that we can’t buy commanders, the transaction thingy keeps spinning forever. But hopefully someone in the staff will look into the coop transactions and purchase verification services or provide us with a solution.
my problem is worse I paid it but I cant use it
Swann, Zagara, Vorazun and Karax come with the campain collection.
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Happy New Year friend, I had the same problem when I bought the Vorazun.