Community Update - August 29, 2019

Hey there,

Based on player feedback of this season’s maps, we worked with the maps’ creators to implement a few adjustments. We plan to release an update on Tuesday, 9/3 with the following changes:

Disco Bloodbath LE

  • Moved a Vespene Geyser at the natural base so that a wall-off with one Command Center and three Supply Depots is possible.
  • Moved Cooling Towers so that they fully block off nearby ramps after collapsing.
  • Removed various light flash effects at bases.

Triton LE

  • Expanded Reaper paths such that they now require more than one structure to wall off.
  • Moved various mineral patches that could allow landing Mules to become trapped.

Winter’s Gate LE

Expanded Reaper paths such that they now require more than one structure to wall off.