Hey i wanted too ask what happened to Kerrigan and Raynor in the Legacy of the Void Campaign ending im still wondering about all the different meanings it could be (Spoiler Alert)

Hey Blizzard and everyone i got a lore question what happened to Sarah Kerrigan and James Raynor at the end of Legacy of the Void the video shows enough to think what happened a lot and me and a friend who are huge fans of Blizzard are curious so so much what happened to them did they get together in the end or does Kerrigan stay a Xelnaga and Raynor stay alone with broken heart or die :(. Please could you let me and my friend know what happened they our most favourite characters it would mean a really a lot to us to know what happened. Which ending is correct, which interpretation.

  1. -After defeating Amon, Kerrigan remained a Xel’naga and later took on a human form. She takes Jim to parts unknown so where they can finally be together.

  2. -Kerrigan expended her essence to defeat Amon, rendering her human again. She then runs away with Jim to live out their lives off the grid.

  3. -Jim ascends with the help of Xel’naga Kerrigan, to also become xel naga

  4. -Jim Raynor got drunk, imagined seeing Kerrigan and grief struck took his own life

Thanks so much for a awesome game and journey.

Me and my friend we are really curious what happened and can any Blizzard Dev or anyone help.


It is not fully clear what happened to them. However, the cutscene implies that Kerrigan and Raynor finally got to be together “forever” and Raynor disappeared with her. It is strongly implied that they are both still alive, just not “with us” here in mortal coils.

Any continuation of the StarCraft story beyond SC2 will likely not involve them as characters. As far as I’m concerned, their stories are resolved. The UED is still a present threat to the Koprulu sector, so we might see them again in whatever future game comes for this franchise. Hopefully this means the story goes back to its simpler roots in SC1 rather than this over-arching god stuff.

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I personally would like to believe in the second explanation, otherwise some parts of the explanation will be problematic, for example, Xelnaga is a symbol of reincarnation, if there is still a Xelnaga then this means that the reincarnation has not ended.