Izsha Announcer + Coop Commander Concept (Air/Anti-Air, Defensive Zerg) = Would Buy. Any thoughts?

So I know the commander Izsha is a stretch at first glance, but I (should also mention returning player from SC1 &sc2WoL, so plz forgive my nescience) was very surprised to find that Izsha is not available outside parts of the Story/Coop modes.

From what I’ve gathered she is to fulfill the same type of role as the Terran Adjutant. So if you like Zerg, I imagine Izsha would be a perfect fit as an optional “Announcer”

“Among the Zerg, Izsha occupies a similar role to that of a Terran Adjutant, assisting with Navigation, Logistical Analysis and Record-Keeping. Izsha is physically grafted to Kerrigan’s Leviathan, where she filters through the ceaseless volume of Sensory Data that floods the Swarm with each passing moment.”
https: //starcraft. fandom. com/wiki/Izsha

there is more details that i won’t regurgitate, which can be found at the link above. but i found the character intriguing enough to learn its somewhat complicated, yet not really explored backstory…?
personally I’m fine with either origin explanation, perhaps Izsha is not an Infested Synthetic Adjutant, but instead what was left of “Amanda Haley” (a combat medic with underdeveloped psionic ability)

Regardless of Origin or Story potential, I’d like to mention a few reasons why I think Izsha’s Voice should also be available outside MainStory. (then briefly about the Commander idea)

  • I like Zagara, But Izsha sounds wayy cooler to me.
  • “created by Kerrigan” for literally this purpose.
  • Kerrigan entrusts memory to be stored in Izsha, yet is guarded towards Zagara, Dehaka, & Abathur (the darker counterpart, to Izsha’s emotional/human connection to Kerrigan)

that’s the jist of it anyway. was really surprised it wasn’t an “unlockable” or a purchasable thing. Did Bliz not realize most/all of Izsha’s Zerg Announcer Dialog is already in the game but not avail for Multiplayer/AI modes ? Is it because the other 2 Story Announcers also are not available in Multiplayer? Or due to these 3 being Race Exclusive like the original/Default Voicepack?

  • if i can’t use Adjutant as Zerg, Izsha is a nice option.


Co-op Commander “Izsha” a.k.a. Kerrigan’s Leviathan

I know it sounds kinda silly.
& I only recently thought of it.
but it does make some sense in the fact that some Zerg Commanders gain the ability to “summon a Leviathan”.
I’m not insisting it be the same as those abilities, but that a similar asset already exists in game.

  • Perhaps Izsha’s Leviathan acts as a floating Hatch (w/ or w/o drones) or has Leviathan mutations.
  • could have ground, structure, air, heavy dmg path choices.
  • cheaper unit production, faster unit production, or resilient units, paths. (new player friendly)
  • ideally something for the skill ceiling Zerg players to enjoy too.

I’m curious though, would other people want to buy this too?
Have you wondered why Izsha isn’t in Multiplayer?
or a CoOp Commander?

Really, the sky is kinda the limit with Blizzard.
I’m personally kinda intrigued at the idea of “Amanda Haley” getting a new evolution/mutation.
(SC3 kerrigan gives Izsha a new purpose?)
I’ve always liked Medic & Ghost the most when playing Terran >.<
but yeah, I hope it was clear, sorry I’m a bit of a rambler. <3

please share your opinions on Izsha as Announcer or Co-op Commander here, unless this thread has become “no longer applicable”. thank you :slight_smile:

Izsha Co-Op Dialog Audio Quotes (Zerg Advisor)
https: //youtu .be/vn2WBJ2QSho
(Can’t post links? Sry, not sure how else to Source.)

I would LOVE Izsha to be BOTH announcer and Commander.
I liked her since she appeared on HotS, plus I like her voice and the way she speaks.

There was a reddit post about making Izsha a Co-op Commander, including what units and buildings she’d use, but that was over a year ago and I can’t find it.
Basically the idea was to make Izsha have a type of stealthy zerg army… small and able to infiltrate… that kind of thing… like zerg ghosts or DTs.

But yes, I would buy to have Izsha as an announcer and Commander and have her in Multiplayer.

Glad I’m not the only one
Thanks for the read friend :slight_smile:


Yes :slight_smile: Exactly! She sounds very robotic yet empathetic, and still Zerg. There is something interesting to me about Izsha’s voice.

That commander idea sounds really cool, i think i found the reddit post you were talking about, but i liked how you described it better.

Personally I just see a lot of potential for Izsha, so originally just wanted to float the idea. I didn’t previously want to get too caught up in particulars, as i like the creative flow aspect & don’t want to get my heart set on, or judge something that may never even exist.

Okay, so I was thinking about your feedback, and doing some more research, such as reading more of the Zerg Commander suggestions, & going back through the lore. I’ve given it quite a bit more thought…

I am glad there is more than one of us too :slight_smile: and appreciate your feedback! I’ll provide more details such as Unit or building type suggestions in the near future. as I’m kinda experiencing information overload today lol & want my posts to be readable/format/length etc. but will need a bit more time so i can format all this data and still point to the lore/game logic for what my suggestion is based upon. some will be included here for now.

i actually was interested in the idea you mentioned, as per that reddit thread.
“Created using zerg tissue and Kerrigan’s memories and beliefs, Izsha embodies the zerg version of subtlety. Using Kerrigan’s memories as a ghost, Izsha has adapted her army to make use of burrow in unexpected and frightening ways.”

I really like this idea and enjoyed the description…
Izsha embodies the zerg version of subtlety.
(even though, personally was thinking of approaching it a different angle.)
Perhaps this was from the one you were referring to ZERGB?

I noticed that one of Kerrigan’s directives was unfinished in HotS, where she commands Abathur to create more intelligent/adaptive BroodMothers/Queens.
(even tho Abathur initially disagrees)

Outside Mutalisk, Queens / BroodMothers are my favorite Zerg Unit, So its just something I’d personally like. Perhaps even more, after reading people’s “OverMind” (partially AI controlled swarm) ideas.
(You can maybe guess that i’m the type to enjoy Air maps)
but i guess the BroodMothers would just be something I’d really like that is somewhat lore related, and is complimentary to the Air/Anti-Air playstyle of old SC. (plus I like to practice Zerg Queens early game, for eco)

As interesting and sometimes cool as they were, I was a little surprised reading among the recommendations for Commanders…
That no one suggested Air/Anti-Air for a theoretical Commander that pilots a Leviathan.
a unit that has

  • 4 Spine Crawlers on it’s belly,
  • Bile Swarm projectiles, launches Scourges, & Bioplasmid Globes
  • Cocoons birthed within the leviathan are capable of mutating into Mutalisks and Brood Lords.
  • It may also put enemy Units and Buildings in Biostasis
  • Leviathans possess Interior Evolution ChamberS,
  • can store tens of thousands of Zerg Strains within their interior chambers
  • (The description says that it can spawn Scourges and Mutalisks; however, the game unit spawns Mutalisks and Brood Lords instead)

Thats the basis anyway.

I like my ground units, of course. Hydralisk (anti air) goes great with my Queens and Defensive Zerg playstyle…
BUT here is an Opportunity for Blizzard to offer Zerg Air/AntiAir as a Potential Path for a CoOp Commander. Not to mention the 2 other Izsha Commander suggestions, which could theoretically be aspects of the 3 different paths.

IMO I think a lot of it comes down to unit preferences per player. I personally use mostly Kerrigan’s avail units.
(a newly updated take on the “Classic Zerg” of SC1)

  • so its kinda my opinion that as per the Internal Evo Chambers, Izsha could have a versitile path system that involves Different Units, or Different Play Styles.
  • Leviathan Evo Chambers could also have a choice between more simultaneous Research VS Mutations OR starter upgrades (ie defense)

There is quite a lot Izsha could potentially be.
but I’m Glad Izsha has been brought into the conversation :slight_smile:
I’ll try to finish a more condensed version of this “Air/Anti-Air Izsha Commander” soon.

Thanks again. Cheers!

Yes, I think that might the reddit post you mentioned.

I agree that Izsha resembles subtlety of the Zerg.
From a logical point of view it goes like this:
Izsha was originally a terran combat medic with a weak psionic level.
Medic -> cares for the wounded in battle, sensitive, caring, delicate, non aggressive.

Izsha = medic + Zerg DNA <=>
Izsha = caring personality + Zerg <=>
Izsha = caring delicate Zerg

Makes sense right?
That’s how I see it anyway.

As of your idea of Air/Anti-Air Commander and the Leviathan, I believe Izsha might have some potential.
So far we don’t have an Air/Anti-Air themed Commander… I mean, for Protoss, people have suggested Selendis and her Mothership, which makes sense.
As for Zerg, I think Izsha is the logical solution because:

  • Izsha is bound to a Leviathan.
  • Leviathan is a massive flying Zerg organism that houses countless Zerg unit,
    structures, cocoons, evolutions, experiments, etc.
  • Leviathan can launch Mutas and Brood Lords, as you stated.
  • Mutas, Brood Lords, Corruptors are Air/Anti-Air units

Izsha should be an Air/Anti-Air Commander

The Leviathan Evolution Chambers idea is fun, like in the HotS campaign. I think it fits right in.

The stealthy style also fits well with Izsha.
Why not implement some Brood Wars units into Izsha’s playstyle? I mean, Artanis has Dragoons, Raynor has Vulture bikes, Swann has Science Vessels, etc.

At this point, I think you’re right… Izsha has potential to be that and more.

Good read though.

Awesome, sounds like we are seeing the same type of potential Izsha truly has available. :slight_smile:

& i like the Protoss Air/Anti-Air theme commander idea too. had noticed that Air in general seems to be much weaker compared to the old SC (BW) especially when it came to Zerg, who was generally the weakest of the 3 races in that area.

I did look up other Commander concept ideas and found some rather nice presentations in video format on YT, where people created mods for their concept ideas. So i kinda started tinkering with this myself heh although I’m likely only 1/10th of the way finished concept, i started by picking which units to use & have all of these so far in a mod.
(as independent units so as not to cause conflicts with base features of game when i start editing) but still need to assign actors, etc, and edit the abilities, attacks, evolutions etc.

I’d like to share a bit of what we have so far, including a few BroodWar units, as well as new units that are either based on unused/beta ideas or Lore. Perhaps you might be interesting in offering some more feedback as i plan to soon begin the much larger process of creating the concept in mod form? (its totally fine if thing need changing, but the more preplanning, the less chance of having to redo more things)

Ill attempt to start with the tech/building order (minus things like drones, or gas, or we could be here forever) since i’m not 100% certain if there should be more building requisites or if there are enough to prohibit rushing, keeping this a more defensive oriented build right up till the final unit (which is a concept and may not be attainable at all in shorter matches, as it would require unlocking ALL Izsha’s tech first, minus evo upgrades.)

would also like to mention, i did include a small number of ground units for base defense & hope it will be clearer how all these units in particular are purposed for supporting an Air/Anti-Air /Defensive or less aggressive playstyle with a few different evolution paths for each player to choose from.

so 1st will be Build/Tech order, 2nd will be Evolution order. 3rd will attempt to describe how units differ from their standard counterpart

  • Build/Tech Order Concept

Hatch, Pool, Gas, Lair. (Evo)
Skry, Palace, Den, Hive.
Great Skry, Dungeon, Pit. (+a WIP surprise)


e-NorD, Mantaling, Skryling, Skrylord, Queen/


Lair Queen, Nietholisk, Devour, Corrupt. Skyrlisk (Non-Skryling)


Hive Queen, Sylem, Defiler, Swarm Guardian, Swarm Lord, Sister





Mentaling < Nietholisk < Defiler (Nietho Lord) Eurypter
+ Den + Pit

Queen > Lair Mother > Hive Queen (Monarch)
+ Nest/Palace + Dungeon > Sylem > Sister

Skryling > Skrylisk > Swarm Devour > Swarm Guardian

	<	Skry Lord	> 	Swarm Corrupt		>	Swarm Lord
			+	Skry		+	Great Skry				

Unit Descriptions
(all names are concept ideas, most based on lore)

  • Skryling - based on Adostra lore.
    Skryling do not attack, mini overlord like unit.
    can provide either more (max not instant) resources if in proximity… OR a HoT with limited stackability. both can be autocast but not simultaneously. may also require research first, or to increase effect. (caps at 5hp/s ~1 to3 should feel like average gains)
    The Skyrling themselves cannot attack, but can evolve into either an Overlord (Skrylord varient) OR evolve into Skyrlisk (Mutalisk varient)
    Skyrling can also be spawned in pairs by Overlords/Skyrlord.
    (in theory, Skyrlisk may be created before Lair, but would require Overlord spawning Skyrling to then evolve. preventing rushing, while allowing small number of muta as option for early-er defending units… as a trade-off for more Control, Max Gas potential, HoT)

AFTER Lair Tech & Skry/Spire

  • . Both SkryLISK & SkryLORD can choose to evolve into Corruptor or Devouror varients (in addition to standard larva spawning)

AFTER Hive Tech & Great Skry/GSpire

  • . Corrupter may evolve into Swarm Lord

  • .Devourer may evolve into Swarm Guardian
    (+ standard larva spawning)

  • Swarm Guardian will attack with “aerial swarms” or something ikin to this concept, will not be a clone of Swarm Lord (brood lord) which is an air unit that attacks with ground based “broodlings”
    Guardian will also be slower, tankier, and likely do less dmg. while keeping in mind this is Hive Tech.

  • Drones will NOT have the option of mutating into defensive structures such as Spine Crawlers, Spore Crawlers. Instead will have the option to evolve into Mantalings with short cocoon time.

  • Mantalings at time of writing, allow a drone to eventually mutate into a Hydralisk, with an intermediary step to prevent abuse. while still allowing base defense opportunity, specifically anti-air. Or as trash units for damage absorption. (may also be fed to Defiler)
    *Nietholisk is based on Origin of Hydralisk. would likely be weaker vs ground & possible slight increase to air compared to Standard Hydralisk. may also be slower, or weaker defensively. (not too much tho i’d hope. Lair Tech)
    *Defiler, placeholder name Eurypter or NiethoLord. would require Hive Tech + either Den upgrade or “Pit” structure to produce unit. Defiler are not really in the game, but have a very interesting ability to protect units for a time, from all incoming Ranged Attacks. it is also a psionic unit, which canNOT upgrade it’s attacks. In addition, Defiler can also use “Plague Ability” which detects cloaked, burrowed units, (this does do 300dmg over 40sec, but will leave enemy with 1hp. how perfect for Izsha’s lore heh)
    Seeings as this unit is in very few instances of the Actual game, it may either require a lot of “control” or may otherwise be limited to less than 10/team. Ill have a better idea later in testing.

  • Hydralisk/Nietholisk may evolve into NiethoLord.(the idea, but perhaps not)
    *Queen, will have Prefix to distinguish, will mostly work as Standard SC2 Queen with some differences that encourage base defense use. (IE has both Queen heal types, but even slower off creep)
    *Queen can be sacrificed to build Palace/QueenNest like a drone does. (At LAIR)
    *Queen Nest/Palace can produce pairs of BroodQueens (from original SC) Placeholder name Lair or Palace Queens.

  • No current plans for changing brood queens, but may tweak later.
    *a Palace Queen may be used in sacrifice to produce Dungeon upgrade for Palace(at HIVE Tech) after which a separate Palace Queen may evolve into 1 Hive Queen. (may be limited to 1 per team at a time, will test)
    *Hive Queen (Monarch) currently based on BroodMother but super slow off creep, higher defense, will do more damage to air units vs ground, cannot heal as Basic Queens do, Can Spawn pairs of “Sylem” at the cost of 200Energy (something really high)

  • Sylem Require Hive, Dungeon, & max energy Monarch to produce a pair.
    *Sylem are a fictional unit based on SC Lore and the old Terran strat of using a small control group of Medic & Ghost/Specters.
    (while trying to keep unit numbers close to, or below 13, atm these 3 terran units will be combined into 1 unit, with both male/female variation for Monarch to spawn.

for balance these require a lot more tech than Terran to obtain, many shorter maps may not see this unit. which is part of the point, as those who produce it are encouraged to not waste these units and keep them for base defense/healing/detecting.

*Female Sylem may be used to Inject at Palace ONLY. to raise limit of LairQueen production. & can NOT Inject at hatch/lair/hive.
*Male Sylem will instead have an “Insanity/Madness” ability, that can cause the Enemy Target to Hallucinate (maybe 10sec each, stackable to 40s max. will test)
*Otherwise Female Sylem should be regarded as variant of infested Medic+Ghost & the Male Sylem a varient of Ghost+Specter.
(May Replace “Nuke” with weaker variant as calldown from a non Izsha Leviathan in Orbit. Or an infestation bomb, like from the lore of that time Kerrigan used Structures to Infest. which i can’t find atm. forgot the battle’s name.)(Hyper Evolutionary Virus)

Think i touched on almost everything other than the SkryLord & Izsha herself here. but this was the jist of how most of Izsha’s Units might work while not being too powerful or too fast to get an air army out. with paths for Queen or Hydralisk as the Ground’s Base Defense units that allows players to practice many commonly used SC2 mechanics (in addition to some old scBW-ish ones, or completely new ones)

There was another Spin i had to put on this, that would be even more difficult to reach (in terms of time, resources, tech, etc) than even the Sylem.
but I’m still mulling over the details for that & as it’s (imo) an even less likely feature to get picked up by Bliz if any of these might… and would be the hardest thing to implement out of anything i’ve described here or hadn’t yet…

its basically a super LATEgame summon/evolution which requires all tech at max. (other than evo/armor/attack upgrades)
including at least 1 of each, NeithoLord, Swarm Lord, Swarm Guardian, + 8 Sylem & 1 Skryling.
All of which would be sacrificed to produce 1 unit.
I’m trying to think of the best way to do this without being too arbitrary. 8 Sylem will board a SkryLING for their sacrifice. similar to how Overlords transport, but Sylem will be only unit that can board SkryLing. the other 3, (could add Monarch too, = 4more)
I haven’t fully decided but for now lets say they mutate into a structure or structures that has so far been unnamed…

  • But would would that turn into? for all that effort?
  • a Hybrid Nemesis (i been calling Sister lol)
    *Sister would be a slow Nemesis variant based off of “Adostra lore”, in accord with Kerrigan’s will to co-exist peacefully.
    *although my idea was to make Sister more like a slow tanky Defiler/NiethoLord, having “Dark Swarm” or a variation of it replacing the “Phase Shift” ability.

Sister will likely not make it into the game lol even if she did I’d imagine most maps will end before it got to that point. but I’ve been having fun playing with these ideas & hope to eventually finish the FULL Concept in Mod format. weither Bliz & the community decide they’d like it in game or not. this will likely take longer than a week and require some testing for sure :slight_smile: but the most difficult thing for me so far has been trying to limit the number of available units, where as once you hit 13, start considering that almost might as well keep going past 20 for a full alt race lol

This is what i have so far though. Most of it. Would love some feedback regarding these or any of the other parts i missed due to how long this would inevitably be coming from me haha

Such as Izsha herself which is atm not much more than a dubbed Leviathan, and will need tweaks, hero aspects, stats, lvl requirements etc. Or the Skrylord(overlord variant) which I’ve had many ideas for but haven’t fully found a stopping point on yet. (keeping it relating to Skyrling yet still viable for OL drops or standardish gameplay while being anti-air/air defense/nonrush)

To Conclude, I aimed for this concept build to remain somewhat flexible while remaining as Air/Anti-Air, Base Defense, NonRush focused.
I wanted to increase healing potential, (&Psionics) while not undermining existing units, Thus LairQueen (& most likely HiveQueen) will not have heals, but standard Queens will be slightly more viable to heal while not taking away their purpose of Hatch Injections. Plus a later game Healing unit (female) Sylem, which can be used for supporting the base defense(/later pushes with creep) or Injecting at Palace/Nest if a player desires more LairQueens.
Which left Skryling as the Only Aerial moving Healer, with limited HoT stack to discourage early air assaults, while encouraging mid game sustain.

From my perspective these units should offer a lot of options for several forms of Air/Anti-Air Zerg gameplay styles. While keeping fairly tight to this goal of enabling base defense non rush stratedgy.
& see it as a nice way for Zerg players to practice essential Zerg Micro/Macro base building, injecting, techniques. Along with the ever growing questions of “how many Ground Units to Air units” (& “what units per situation”) we each ask ourselves, regarding what to use.

Thank you again for the feedback and definately appreciate the taking of time to read it. Super sorry it was long, but hopefully it is readable & that i didn’t over complicate it too much.


PS. What cool Evo Chamber ideas might Izsha use, while keeping power/balance/fairness in mind? :slight_smile: i was just trying to get units more fit for Air/Anti style established first. even if it meant creating new strains >.< Weither some abilities i have mentioned would require more “research” prior to use, is up to Bliz & the community. just a reminder to anyone who missed that this is a Concept Only & will likely need tweaks for sure.

O& While not sure who will notice this, but YES i did try to revive an old Blizzard Concept of “3 Queens” (Huge, Large, etc) but i did this somewhat differently. heck i couldnt find much info about how “3Queens” was supposed to work at all, other than Queens evolving larger. (technically Female “Sylem” equals 4th Queen lol) but i tried, and hope others may find this idea interesting. (this spin or the original)

There was something else too >.< other than “Mantalings”… (what was it) OH the lore explination for Sister. Well to summarize, to create a Hybrid, Kerrigan learned this would require several hard to find ingredients. Such as compatible Infested Terran units with Psionic capability. Plus Xel’Naga Essence, or in our case the Adostra held by our SkryLing units. Since According to Lore, Kerrigan kept some details from Zagara & Abathur regarding Hybrid Creation, Izsha would be the only one (that i know of) other than Kerrigan with knowledge of how to create both Adostra & Hybrids. (This, plus asthetics of Defiler SC1&SC2 i felt looked a LOT like Hybrid Nemesis. which is where i got the Idea for Sister & using these later-game units to produce her.)


i forgot to mention, since still mulling over the details, but for Male Sylem, i keep toying with the idea of “Insanity” causing not only enemy hallucination effect but could cause the Male Sylem to (instantly?) transform into a Hydralisk/Nietholisk, as an homage towards Kerrigan’s Consort (forgot his name lol sorry) whom was an special infested terran Kerrigan created with a human face but 2 extra Hydralisk arms. (that also rode around on a mutalisk lmao)

I’d just forgot to mention that, as i was actually basing the male “Sylem” on lore as well.

& Sylem in general are based around the tons of lore involving Ghost/Specter training, as well these were the primary units on guard duty during Hybrid/Infestation Testing.
Thus they are created from The Monarch Queen after a Dungeon has been installed on the “Palace” / QueenNest.

& I’ve played with several ideas, 1 of which where this unit is Androgynous (a fusion of Female Medic & Male Ghost/Specter ie 2in1) which retains a small portion of its (2) original hosts/personalities.
But am currently leaning more towards a dual unit type similar to how Ghost have male and female operatives.
Perhaps… since this unit is planned to spawn in pairs, there might also be NO selection, where instead players will given one of each per spawn.

ALSO lol
Sylem come super late, not only to give Terran the natural advantage of using these unit types First (Medic, Ghost/Specter) but also in attempts to justify how Izsha would be bypassing several terran structures & the nuke upgrade itself… by requiring full techup in the Queen branch first, & even proposing Their spawn being limited to the Monarch/3rd Queen’s Energy Resource. /zheart

Unit Count

    1. Izsha,
    1. Drone, 3. Overlord, 4. Skryling
      1 Mantaling, 2 Skrylisk, 3 Nietholisk, 4 Queen
      5 LairQueen, 6 Devour, 7 Corrupt,
      8 Monarch Queen, 9 NiethoLord, 10 Swarm Guardian, 11 Swarm Lord
    1. Sylem (x2) 13. Sister

Please see description for new race