Loses connection to Battle.net during gaming SC2

This problem only happens when playiing starcraft 2, never when playing WOW. It happen several times everyday when playing-

During gaming SC2 i loose connection to battle.net and i dropp from the game. I cant start another game or join unless I close SC2 and restart it via Battle.net.

I can see when I jump out to battle.net that it rejoin so Im online again. I have tried to shut down firewall and antivirus and it don´t help at all.

Have a fast line so it´s not the problem. I playing on a macbook M1, 64GB memory via Wi-FI. This problem started a month back and have never had it earlier.

Like i wrote this only happen when playing SC2 and not WOW. I have reinstalled SC2 and it did not help. I have factory reboot the router and it don´t do the work either.

Someone more clever than me that can help me out?

// Regards Sebastian