Nerf carriers finally

I wonder when will Blizzard finally nerf carriers. In 3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4 its totally broken, protoss players simply build cannons and batteries in a choke point and go for phoenixes and later transition into carriers and it has a winrate of like 80%-90%. Phoenixes make it impossible to drop units into their base so forget about harassing. Even I, although I am quite bad, was able to beat like master1 players alone 1 vs 3 (kind of, the one ally who hadn’t left the game, defended with tanks). And it wasn’t even close. I just A-click and watch all die. There’s no air counter to this. I know in pro games it loses but 99.5% players aren’t pros and they won’t play 10 hours per day to be able to win… Why do these protoss air units even stack into 1 unit? Why can’t thors do the same? Vikings die in 2 seconds, marines even faster, widow mines: just no comment, only thors remain but then protoss attack from the ramp with 15 carriers stacked into 1 unit (Blizzard’s physics is amazing. How do they even do it?) and it’s over. The same for zerg. All you can do is to build 50 towers and pray protoss gets bored and attacks you… In my opinion it’s the worst balance in the last, say, 2 - 3 years….