New balance update sems rly odd

I have deep concerns about new balance update. Sure most of it is just experimental but it still sounds broken. For ex infestor is still op and zerg will always win in late game. I’m forced to play 1 or 2 base all-in’s as T or P vs Z due to overwhelming force of zerg in late game (infestor/brood lord). I don’t mind to bring back “grawiton catapult” (carrier interceptor launch speed) or make high templar op like in brood war and I mean back in og SC storm dmg output was 150 in cast area instead of 80 in SC2 and if it could get introduced to SC2 I won’t complain about too op infestor even new EMP upgrade to ghost would be fine in this scenario.

Even mayby bring back some old units to refresh the meta of SC2 unit comp:

Arbiter in replace of Mothership / Dark Archon morfed from DT’s / Reaver in replace of Disruptor

Valkyrie in replace of Liberator / Vulture in replace of Widow Mine / Firebat in replace of Reaper

Scourge in replace of Baneling / Brood Queen in replace of Overseer / Guardian in replace of Brood Lord.

It’s just my free thinking. I want to know opinions on new balance update anyway.