Nothing ever works - Meele maps - mutliplayer

Meele maps sometimes load very very slowly, usually they don’t. But even when they do the game won’t ever create a lobby, just stucks in “entering lobby”. Enabled everything in firewall for the game, reinstal bla bla bla, nothing.
This used to be working like a charm nowdays it’s all down and unplayable. Why? What happened? Microsoft happened? Can’t play this with my friends/wife anymore.

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same problem here, they were so bored so they had to break it

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hey bud try this solution works fine with me . before sc2 dont play after the update but now it is ok…

Close Blizzard processes.

Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to bring up the Task Manager.

Click the Processes tab.

Select all Agent, Blizzard, and game processes, and click End Process.

Navigate to the folder containing the directory:

Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialogue.

Type *C:\ProgramData* into the Open field and press Enter:

Delete the folder.

Run the Blizzard desktop app and update the game to see if the issue persists.

If the error persists after you try these steps, another program may be causing the problem. Restart your computer and delete the folder one more time.

Note : The above steps may cause the application to forget game install locations. If your games can’t be found, you will see Install on the game tab instead of Play. To find your installation, click Locate this game or run the game launcher.

Didn’t work, just tried. Thx anyway.

Coming back to this, maybe getting the new certificates from windows update is what’s missing because in my newer PC I didn’t have this problem but in my older PC i did. So worf a try. (it did solve my connection issue for Mortal Kombat 11 and also SC2 works perfectly fine in bof of my PCs)

Open PowerShell as Administrator and do (these are perfectly safe things to do in theory because it gets the root certificates that your windows machine trusts from windows update directly)

md $Env:TEMP\certs
cd $Env:TEMP\certs
CertUtil -generateSSTFromWU $Env:TEMP\certs\RootStore.sst
$file=Get-ChildItem -Path $Env:TEMP\certs\Rootstore.sst
$file | Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root