Small suggestion for Nydus Network nerf/change

Hello, friends! What do you think about an idea to change Nydus Network so it (main building) would take damage when Nydus Worm is destroyed? I think an appropriate amount is 25% of network’s HP per 1 worm. So zerg could create only 4 sequential Nydus Worms if every previous worm is destroyed by an enemy.

Logically it makes sence since Nydus Worm and Nydus Network is the same biological organism, so cutting off one head damages the main body.

What main essences stay behind this idea:

  • To make Nydus meta play less reckless for zerg player. So Zerg has to estimate risks of creating Nydus worm right infront of enemy army. I think it will make Nydus net more as a strategical tool. Aslo multiple worms become more risky in general.
  • It will force Queen’s Transfusion + Nydus Network interaction. In order to maintain Nydus Network beeing alive zerg has to use more transfusions behind the scene but not on the battlefield. Also the longer game lasts the lower risks of using Nydus (thanks to queens amount and energy accumulation).
  • Potentially we (as viewers) could watch more breathtaking gameplay moments when zerg army gets trapped on enemy base and die (or not), or even when zerg-player lose his army because of whole Network get destroyed.
  • If enemy player sees 5th sequential Nydus worm after killing four previous he will know that zerg is investing additional resources into Nydus strategy. Additional potential for mindgames.
  • If zerg waits enough he will be able to create more Nydus worms thanks to zerg’s regeneration.

I like it. To be honest, I’d like to see Nydus nerfed into the ground. It’s completely destroyed game play this season. Dark and Serral are constantly abusing Nydus and it’s not fun to watch at all…