Sound issue. Stereo changes to 7.1


I had an issue with sound which I assume happened after the newest Windows update. The sound started to be weird and I didn’t know if it was just me or if there is an issue. Turns out that sound has automatically changed to 7.1 in the settings instead of stereo. I has always been playing on headphones and never used 7.1 on my computer. I searched in windows sound settings but nothing has been changed there. The speakers were always set on Stereo but the game kept changing it to 7.1. You can find some of the screenshots in my tweet:

However, what fixed the problem for me was changing the speakers from Stereo to 7.1 and back to Stereo, then Starcraft started to read the speaker setting as stereo.


Oh I missed that from the tweets, so the issue has since been resolved for you?

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

Yes, I have it fixed now. It’s weird that this happened and had to be done. It felt like it was a Windows issue and not necessarily on Blizzard side.

I have the same issue. Tried MaNas solution and some other possible fixes. The problem is still not solved for me.

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Had the same issue. What solved it for me was disabling all recording devices in the sound control panel.