Starcraft 2 not opening after "play" (runs in Taskmanager). Windows 11

Hi, ive been tried to run Starcraft 2 for a few days with no success. i press play in the app and i see that the SC2_x64.exe runs alongside the SC2Switcher_x64.exe in the taskmanager but the game window doesnt open anywhere… I tried deleting everything including all sc2/battlenet folders in appdata/program data etc… nothing seems to work.

Would appreciate any tips, thanks

similar problem but i have nothing in taskmanager. just push play ad after some seconds launching switch back to button play and i cannot open SC2
windows 10. other games woks only SC2 not works

Did you get the issue fixed? I am having the same issue.

nope:( i wonder if its the latest patch or not

I am also having the same issue on my desktop and even after updating SC2 today it’s still not working.

Tried uninstalling and SC2 multiple times and nothing changed. Even tried disabling DSR.

I have no idea what the problem is as SC2 runs fine on my laptop its only on my desktop there is this problem. Both run windows 11 so its not that.

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I have the same issue. I click Play, it shows launching for 3 seconds and then nothing happens anymore. Taskmanager shows Starcraft is running. I have updated my Geforce card driver. Tried scan and repair, uninstalled SC2 several times. Nothing works. I assume it’s the latest patch.

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same issue with me? solution sc2 support team plz.

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got the same problem but did not find a solution yet. tried to open a support ticket. Seems like many have this problem.

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Unfortunately I#ve got the same issue and none of the latest small patches changed anything…