StarCraft II 5.0.12 Patch Notes

StarCraft II 5.0.12 Patch Notes

Patch 5.0.12 has arrived with balance changes, bug fixes, and map pool update.

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I did report this but I think it was too late to affect the patch. The tool-tip when you hover over the Hurricane Thrusters icon on the Cyclone’s command card still says “Research Mag-Field Accelerator at the Factory Tech Lab”, and that it “Increases the move speed of Cyclones.” rather than “Increases the movement speed of Cyclones.” (compare Metabolic Boost, for example).

I will also say that the name “Hurricane Thrusters” feels incredibly corny, and thrusters don’t make much sense for a vehicle with half-tracks. But I guess it’s a nit-pick.

When is the cyclone patch supposed to go live on EU server?

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