Suggestion for Ladder-Frustration / Easy Fix :)

Hi battle-net-team,

As most complains about balancing is due to different dificulty of playing a race on different MMRs - My easy solution: Modify the Matchmaking so there is not only 1 MMR for 1 Race, but an MMR for each combination.

I ROCK vs terran as zerg and beat anything to 4000. At the other hand: Vs Protoss, if i dont beat the toss with a 7-8 minute push, I die to their Airtoss Army even sometimes if they are 3100 and below. Cause on my mmr I cannot handle Corrupters focusing interceptors. Not possible. Never. Go back and Focus a carrier while handling infestors and queens? impossible. I want to enjoy the game. I only want to hit the screen :smiley: And I am to old to do that so →

So i cancel all ZvP games, cause they frustrate me. Cause therefore MMR is anyhow bad, I also cancel ZvZ cause its boring on the low level i go. And ZvT are easy cause my MMR is so low. I would love to play vs better Terran, little btter zerg, and much worse toss. Cause sorry, on low MMR, its a “bunker and amove air army” thing. Not on high level, im sure. but a balanced race over all MMR is imposisble. So make just individual MMR for each matchup :slight_smile: